- So the company always insists on the polestar with the human oriented policy and regards the building of the staffs. 公司始终坚持以人为本的指导思想,狠抓员工队伍建设。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- This picture is a closeness of the human eye. 这张照片是人眼的特写。
- The human being struggles with his environment. 人类和环境竞争。
- I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race. 我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。
- Service is human oriented, grandiosity is just transient visitor. 服务以人为本,华丽只不过是过眼云烟。
- Is the human race threatened with complete extinction? 人类是否会受到完全灭绝的威胁呢?
- A loudspeaker magnifies the human voice. 扬声器扩大人的声音。
- A full-scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race. 全面的核子战争能导致人类的灭绝。
- Everything you say seems to be pervaded with a mistrust of the human race. 你说的一切似乎都渗透了对人类的不信任。
- So that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit. 这样我可以欣赏到人类精神上喜剧的含蓄意义。
- I prefer science to the humanities. 我喜爱自然科学,不喜欢人文科学。
- CO is not readily perceived by the human senses. 一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。
- The human body is a very complicated organization. 人体是一个非常复杂的有机体。
- There are many aqueducts in the human body. 人的身上有许多导管。
- The pump analogizes with the human heart. 水泵被用来比拟人的心脏。
- Human oriented Sinomerry brings you advanced technology in a bathroom cabinet for healthy living every day! 以人为本斯耐美、高新环保浴室柜、健康生活每一天!
- Acute observers of the human comedy. 对人间喜剧敏感的观察者们
- Is aggression an essential part of the human psyche? 损人利己是否是人心灵的主宰?
- The philosophy of Poter Science and Technology lies in human oriented and science and technology leading. 柏特科技的公司哲学是,以人为本,科技领先。