- The chances are against the enemy. 形势对敌人不利。
- If you're wondering whether Grace will come to the party, I think the chances are against it. 如果你想知道格雷斯是否会来参加宴会, 我认为那不太可能。
- The chances are a hundred to one against you. 你只有百分之一成功的可能。
- But the chances are against it,and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive,however lucky and robust we are. 但是这种可能性很小,不管我们多么幸运,多么健壮,我们所希望的长寿实际上有个限度。
- Robust But the chances are against it, and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are. 但这种可能性很小,不管我们多么幸运,多么健壮,我们所希望的长寿实际上是有限度的。
- But the chances are against it, and there is a virtual limit on how long we can hope to remain alive, however lucky and robust we are. 但是这种可能性很小,不管我们多么幸运,多么健壮,我们所希望的长寿实际上有个限度。
- If you always have capital to start trading again, you can recoup losses and make money, but if you risk all of your capital on one or two trades and lose it, then the chances are against you. 如果你总有资金一不断交易,你就能弥补损失而赚钱,但如果你想冒险在一两次交易中投入所有的资金而亏损,那么赢利的机会就与你擦肩而过。
- The chances are ten to one that a storm will come. 弱者常有可能战胜强者。十之八九,暴风雨会来。
- The chances are against it. 形势不利。
- The chances are that the guest team will win. 客队有可能会获胜。
- The chances are against us. 形势对我们不利。
- The chances are that you will win the prize. 你可能会获奖。
- I think the chances are even more important. 我认为这些机会更重要。
- The chances are that our team will finish at the top of the league table. As our remaining matches aren't too difficult. 由于我们队余下的比赛不太艰难,我们队在结束时有可能在联赛表上名列前茅。
- The chances are all against his ever having another opportunity to cut a ditch. 他便绝对没有希望再得到掘沟的机会了。
- With Mr Dole the chances are much slimmer. 若和多尔先生一起竞选的话,可能性会更小。
- The chances are you won't have to pay. 你可能不用付钱。
- The chances are a hundred to one that he will win. 他只有百分之一赢的可能性。
- The chances are ten to one that we will win. 我们十之八九会赢。
- The chances are ten to one that you will win. 你十之八九会赢。