- The interest at stake of the intervenor appellant and the administrative appeal. 二参加人与本诉愿之利害关系。
- However, to withdraw the administrative appeal which via a written consent from all appellants is required. 但撤回诉愿,非经全体诉愿人书面同意,不得为之。
- The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative states the issue of fact and the issue of law. 二诉愿人、参加人或诉愿代理人就事件为事实上及法律上之陈述。
- The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to inquire the administrative appellant or the agency which the administrative action was made. 五受理诉愿机关对诉愿人及原行政处分机关提出询问。
- Article 36 While there are more than one administrative appeal representatives, each one might represent the administrative appellant independently. 第36条诉愿代理人有二人以上者,均得单独代理诉愿人。
- Article 60 The administrative appellant may withdraw the administrative appeal before the administrative appeal decision has been served. 第60条诉愿提起后,于决定书送达前,诉愿人得撤回之。
- The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal might notify she/he to participate the administrative appeal while necessary as well. 受理诉愿机关认有必要时,亦得通知其参加诉愿。
- However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary. 但受理诉愿机关认为必要时,得送达于诉愿人或参加本人。
- While there is an administrative appeal representative for the administrative appeal, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. 二有诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
- The administrative appellant with a legal representative or administrative appeal representative, her/his name, date of birth, domicile, or place of residence, and identification number. 二有法定代理人或诉愿代理人者,其姓名、出生年月日、住、居所、身分证明文件字号。
- The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative may file an application for view, cite or copy for such evidence materials stipulated in last Paragraph. 对于前项之证据资料,诉愿人、参加人或诉愿代理人得请求阅览、抄录或影印之。
- Where an application for exemption is not allowed, the business operator may appeal to the Administrative Appeals Board. 不获批准豁免缴费的商号,可向行政上诉委员会提出上诉。
- Under the existing rules a person disqualified by APRA could apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for a review of the decision. 在现存条例下,一个被APRA取消资格的人,可以向管理申诉仲裁处提出重新复核的决定。
- We must diminish the administrative expenditure. 我们必须缩减行政开支。
- The administrative personnel of such a structure. 这种组织的管理人员
- Assist daily the Administrative Manager. 协助行政经理的日常工作。
- He says he will take step to tighten up the administration. 他说他将采取措施加强行政管理。
- Appeals to the Administrative Appeals Board 向行政上诉委员会提出的上诉
- He had made a mare's nest of the administration. 他把行政部门搞得一团糟。
- We are studying the administrative machinery of our government. 我们在研究我们政府的行政组织。