- The price of LPG CIF (Northeast China) exceeded RMB4500/ t and hit RMB3800/t even inside the Northeast. 华东和华南地区的LPG市场价格一度突破5000元/吨大关,东北地区下海的LPG价格突破4500元/吨,东北地区内也达到3800元/吨。
- In 1931, the Japanese army invaded the secret development of the northeast China policy steps and measures. 1931年,日本军部秘密制订了有关侵略我国东北的方针、步骤和措施。
- So,we can gained the information of the Northeast China compare the map of the gravitation and magnetic force. 水平和垂直参量图能给出断裂和走向的信息。
- Ask the Hangzhou northeast China eatery please what? Is the southerner ready to eat the northeast China dish? 您的位置:我也知道>地区>浙江>杭州市>请问杭州东北餐馆多么?南方人愿意吃东北菜么?
- They are all characterized by that Aleutian trough develops shifting west and controlling the northeast China in summer. 它们都有在春季阿留申低槽发展向西摆动,到夏季控制我国东北地区的特征。
- Yangjingou scheelite deposit is the biggest known wolfram deposit in the northeast China by now,which wolfram ore reserves surpass large-scale. 杨金沟白钨矿床是目前我国东北地区发现最大的钨矿资源地,其资源量已超过大型规模。
- Presently, there are tigers of the northeast China, African lion, black bear, wolf, monkey, sika, camel, peacock and other animals. 现饲养有东北虎、非洲狮、黑熊、狼、猴、梅花鹿、骆驼及孔雀等各种动物。
- However, before 1920, Zhongdong railway was a tool with which Tsarist Russia contended with Japan for supremacy and invaded the northeast China. 但是,中东铁路在1920年以前是沙俄与日本进行争霸和侵略中国东北的工具。
- The Northeast China has a typical economic development model which is at the cost of depleting a lot of natural resources. 摘要东北地区是以耗竭大量自然资源为代价的外延型经济发展典型地区。
- The Japanese imperialists undisguisedly invaded the northeast China, which created the False Manchurian State, a Japanese colony. 伪满洲国是日本帝国主义对我国东北公然进行侵略的产物,也是日本的殖民地。
- His house is in the northeast of this city. 他的家在这个城市的东北部。
- The northeast wind was blowing hard at that time. 那时候东北风刮得正紧。
- Before and after the Northeast China Incident, Japanese Consulate in Zhengzhou became the center of illegal activities of the Japanese in middle and northwest China. 华北事变前后,郑州领事馆成为日本在中原、北地区从事非法活动的中心。
- The discovery of this tectonic zone supports the view that the influence of the Paleo-Asiatic tectonic domain on the Northeast China microblock persisted till the Middle Jurassic. 该构造带的发现支持了古亚洲构造域对东北微陆块区的影响一直延续到中侏罗世的观点。
- The gold deposits are situated in the northwest trend ductile shear zone which is the contact belt of the Northeast China platform and the Hercynian trough. 夹皮沟地区金矿床产于台槽两大构造单元之间;位于槽台边缘构造活动带台区一侧的北西向韧性(脆性)剪切带中.
- The wind blows from the northeast. 风从东北方刮来。
- The IEEE RTS (24 bus, 38 line, 32 generator) and the Northeast China Power System (220kV and 500kV, 331 bus, 467 line, 179 generator) were evaluated using the developed algorithm. 对IEEERTS系统(24母线,38条线路,32个发电机)和东北电力系统(331母线,467条线路,179个发电机)进行了可靠性评估。
- The concentration of Chinese forces along the Yalu did not really begin until mid-July 1950 with the formation of the Northeast China Border Defense Force, about 260,000 troops. 中国军队在鸭绿江沿岸的集结直到1950年7月中旬之后才以中国东北边防军的名义真正展开,规模大约为260,000人。
- As early as when the Russo-Japanese War, continuously peeps at the Northeast China economical resources Japan on to extend hand of the aggression to the Fuxin coal resources. 早在日俄战争之际,一直窥视中国东北经济资源的日本就把侵略之手伸向阜新煤炭资源。
- A storm or gale blowing from the northeast. 东北大风从东北来的风暴或强风