- turmoil and chaos of war 兵荒马乱
- Amid the turmoil and tumult of Battle, there may be seeming disorder and yet no real disorder at all;amid confusion and chaos, your array may be without head or tail, yet it will be proof against defeat. 纷纷纭纭,斗乱而不可乱也。浑浑沌沌,形圆而不可败也。
- Could he rest quietly who had spent fifty years in the turmoil of war? 一个曾在纷乱的战争中度过五十年的人,他能够泰然自若、无动于衷吗?
- Sick and starving refugees are the flotsam and jetsam of war. 贫病交迫的难民都是在战争中流离失所的。
- After years of war and chaos the people urgently needed rehabilitation. 人民于连年战乱之后,已亟待休养生息。
- And my childhood was spent in turmoil of war. 我的孩提时代是在战乱中度过的。
- The turmoil of war and drug-trafficking, displacement and emigration, has remapped the country since Gabo's heyday. 战争与贩毒带来的混乱、人民流离失所、移居他乡,这些重绘了嘉波全盛期以来哥伦比亚的版图。
- The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters. 桌上杂乱地堆放着一些纸张和未拆的信
- The cruelty of war made his gorge rise. 战争之残酷使她十分反感。
- I am convinced that the region will emerge from the turmoil and become even more successful than before. 我也深信,整个亚洲区会从金融风暴中站立起来,取得比以前更卓越的成就。
- As Doctorow dramatizes the fury, conviction, and chaos of the Civil War, he portrays historical figures, as he is wont to do, most electrifyingly Sherman himself. 如以往一样,多克托罗在描写内战狂暴、罪恶和混乱的同时,不忘悉心刻画历史人物形象,特别是对谢尔曼。
- Rumors of war disquieted the people. 战争的谢意使人们心感不安。
- And, how has the turmoil affected Hong Kong. 当然,我还会谈谈香港在这次风暴中受到甚麽影响。
- Free of turmoil and agitation;untroubled. 沉着的不纷乱的,不激动的;未被打扰的
- The attack on the ship is viewed as an act of war. 攻击了那条船已视作战争行为。
- In the longer term,I know China will march from strength to strength and I am convinced that the region will emerge from the turmoil and become even more successful than before. 长远来说,我相信中国会不断强大。我亦深信,整个亚洲区会从金融风暴中站立起来,取得比以前更卓越的成就。
- Now, a technology that allows antennas to bend fluidly and “self heal” as they get whacked around in the chaos of war could make using them a great deal easier. 目前,一项技术使天线可以像液体一样弯曲,还可以使在战乱中受损的天线进行“自我修复”,使用这种天线可以带来极大的便利。
- Camp was full of so much turmoil and uncertainty. 答:训练营的时候球队充满了许多流言和不确定。
- Magnetic union, but not long lasting. The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on. This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet. 双子-天秤:这是很有吸引力的组合,可惜不能持久。天秤座的人很难忍受你善变的性格。你们的关系通常短暂,但热烈而甜蜜。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 战争的威胁使经济萧条。