- thallic conidium 芽分生孢子
- Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits. 图3.;温度对于瓜类白粉病菌孢子发芽的影响。
- Conidium (conidiospore) (pl.conidia) An asexual spore of certain fungi, especially of the Ascomycota and Fungi Anamorphici e.g. 分生孢子(无性孢子):某些真菌产生的无性孢子。
- Two-way and automatic thallic drive, energy conveys by box of two clockwork spring, motivation stores amount to 60 hours. 双向自动铊驱动,能量由两个发条盒传送,动力储存达60小时。
- The toxicities of fourteen kinds of familiar fungicides to the hypha and conidium of Mycogone perniciosa Mag. 摘要选择14种常见的杀菌剂分别对菌盖疣孢霉菌丝、分生孢子和双孢蘑菇菌丝进行室内毒力测定。
- Under scanning electron microscopy,it showed spherical or clavate conidium,pitted in ends,were formed laterally or in the end of branched haphae. 扫描电镜下可见菌丝分支末端或侧面着生球形、棒状的分生孢子,末端凹陷。
- The highest germination rate of conidium was found in ginseng leaf sap 1% sugar solution and dew under saturated humidity, the lowest, in distilled water. 孢子以在人参叶汁、1%25糖水、露水和饱和湿度下萌芽率最高:在蒸馏水、自来水中萌芽率最低;
- The control effect of the mixed use of V. lecanii and pesticides on L. erysimi was better than that of solely using conidium liquid and diluted chemical pesticides. 菌药混用对菜缢管蚜的防治效果比单用分生孢子液和稀释后的化学农药的防治效果好。
- In space its conidium got more abundant, and the weight loss of the materials by corrosion was less.Conclusion Reproductive ability of the fungi is enhanced under space condition. 结果空间搭载菌株与地面对照相比,搭载的烟曲霉菌株气生菌丝生长良好,分生孢子生长丰茂,霉腐板材重量损失较少。
- There exiss some differences among several common Monascus fungi in supermicro-morphologic characters including hypha, conidium, cleistothecium, ascospores and so on, which serve as deposing the evidences to classify and identify Monascus fungi. 不同种红??之间在菌丝、分生孢子、闭囊壳和子囊孢子等超显微特徵方面存在一定的差异,据此可对红??进行区分和鉴别。
- Result As compared with ground control, aerial hyphae of Aspergillus grew better.In space its conidium got more abundant, and the weight loss of the materials by corrosion was less. 结果空间搭载菌株与地面对照相比,搭载的烟曲霉菌株气生菌丝生长良好,分生孢子生长丰茂,霉腐板材重量损失较少。
- The results revealed that the character of some progenies was significantly different from their parent isolates and sister isolates in the growth velocity and the amount of conidium. 本试验通过对产孢量和菌丝生长速度的测定,研究了玉米大斑病菌有性杂交后代的生物学特性。发现后代菌株相互之间以及亲代与后代菌株之间在菌丝生长速率和产孢量上存在差异。
- thallic arthric conidium 叶状关节分生孢子
- thallic meristem conidium 芽分生孢子
- Nimbya alternantherae was able to grow on PDA, PCA, NBA, CMA, MA, ZA, GA, OA, Czapek and filtrate agar of Alternanthera philoxeroides . The highest productivity of conidia was obtained on PCA, but no conidium was produced on Czapek. 莲子草假隔链格孢(Nimbyaalternantherae)在PDA、PCA、NBA、CMA、MA、ZA、GA、OA、Czapek和“组织煎汁”等10种培养基上均能生长;
- Studies on Factors Affect Germination of Conidium of Corynespora assiicola 多主棒孢霉分生孢子萌发因素的研究
- Identification of the superior pathogen of muskmelon fruit rot and producing condition of its conidium 白兰瓜果腐病优势病菌鉴定及其产孢条件研究
- thallic bromide 三溴化铊
- Key words: paeonol; biological activity; plant pathogenic fungi; mycelium; conidium 关键词:丹皮酚;生物活性;植物病原真菌;菌丝体;分生孢子
- thallic chloride [化] 三氯化铊