- The Taxonomic Study of the Genus Malus Mill. 苹果属(Malus Mill.;)分类学研究
- A taxonomic study on pteridophytes in N.E.China. 东北蕨类植物的分类研究.
- A taxonomic study on the genus Isatis L. in China. 文章题目 中国菘蓝属植物研究.
- A numerical taxonomic study of Formosan Labiatae. 台湾唇形科植物数示分类之研究.
- A taxonomic study of Fritillaria from Xinjiang. 新疆贝母属植物分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the Chinese species of Rauvolfia Linn. 中国萝芙木属植物的分类研究.
- A preliminary taxonomic study on Meliaceae in Guangdong. 广东楝科植物分类的初步研究.
- A taxonomic study on the genus Boschniakia (Orobanchaceae). 草苁蓉属(列当科)分类的研究.
- A preliminary taxonomic study on Sapotaceae in Guangdong. 广东山榄科植物分类的初步研究。
- A numerical taxonomic study on two genera Yinshania and Hilliella (Cruciferae). 阴山荠属和泡果荠属的数量分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the genus of Barbella (Meteoriaceae, Musci) Taiwan. 台湾产悬苔属(蔓苔科、苔类)之分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the genus Meteorium (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan. 台湾产蔓苔属(蔓苔科、苔类)之分类研究.
- Taxonomic study on Salicaceae in Sichuan and its adjacent region (I). 四川及其邻近地区杨柳科植物分类的研究(一).
- The taxonomic studies on Xinjiang Ferula and its close genera. 新疆阿魏属及其相近属间的分类学研究.
- A taxonomical study on the genus Mollugo in China. 国产粟米草属的分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the gerena of Papillaria and Aerobryum (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan. 台湾产松罗苔属级气苔属(蔓苔科、苔类)之分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the genera of Aerobryidium and Meteoriopsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan. 台湾产毛扭苔属及粗蔓苔属之分类研究.
- A taxonomic study of the genus of Aerobryopsis (Meteoriaceae, Musci) from Taiwan. 台湾产灰气苔属(蔓苔科、苔类)之分类研究.
- This taxon appears to be quite different from the typical variety; further taxonomic study of this group is needed. 这分类群看起来十分不同于原变种;这组被需要的更进一步的分类的研究。
- A taxonomic study of the genera of Chrysocladium and Floribundaria (Meteoriaceae, Musci) of Taiwan. 台湾产垂苔属及丝苔属(蔓苔科、苔类)之分类研究.