- task code word 任务代码字
- Name of the test that was run on the task code. 在任务代码中运行的测试的名称。
- And who shall respond to this code word ? 听到以上暗号时,谁应对其作反应?
- ID number of the test that was run on the task code. 在任务代码中运行的测试的ID号。
- Full path of the test that was run on the task code. 在任务代码中运行的测试的完整路径。
- There is a possibility of error in the transmission of any code word. 在翻译电码字时有可能发生错误。
- Is it possible for me to add some code words in it? 我可以在电报中加一些暗语字组吗?
- In the simultaneous and chronological terms, it consists of gesture, code word, diagram and material objects, etc. 构成非言语形式隐语的方式多种多样,从共时和历时的角度考察,主要有由手势、字、示、物等构成的几种非言语形式隐语。
- The "big push" for rapid industrialization was the code word for development and growth. 以迅速工业化为目的的“大推进”是发展与增长的密诀。
- Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account. 请您填写一下这张丢失存折声明书,并写出您开立帐户时所用的暗语。
- Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember. 在这首颂歌里面的每一句歌词里面,都有一个宗教上的真正含义的代码词汇,目的是很快的让孩子们记住这个词汇。
- Secondly, it gives the real-time operating system osCAN which complies with the OSEK/VDX specification. The task assignment, task code, and the procedures of detecting the crankshaft signal are provided. 在软件方面,详细分析了符合OSEK/VDX的实时操作系统规范,结合高压共轨柴油机的实际应用,提出了在osCAN操作系统下的任务划分、任务代码编写示例和曲轴信号监测的程序代码; 比较了电控单元的传统与现代开发模式,提出了“V”型开发模式的具体步骤。
- The properties of auto correlation, cross correlation, code word amount, and the difficulty of encoder/decoder of each address code are studied. 对各种地址码的自相关特性、互相关特性、码字数量及相应编码/解码器的实现难度进行了研究
- The code word for the seminar is discretion.Blacklock declined to name clients, saying only that parents have a net worth of at least C$500,000. 加拿大蒙特利尔银行的理财经理们过去总是从该国最富裕的家庭听到同样的话:帮帮我!
- The nea time you want to call a person listed as one ofxthese tags, just say that person's name or a relevant code word. 下次你想给名单上任何一个人打电话的时候,便只需说出这个人的名字或相关的代号。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- The code word for the seminar is discretion.Blacklock declined to name clients, saying only that parents have a net worth of at least C0,000.She said it is frequently a family affair. 两年之后的今天,蒙特利尔银行专门针对“高额资产家庭”子弟推出的的一日知识讲座颇受追捧,该讲座主要教授加拿大富豪家族的继承人们如何管理财富。
- He decided to go all out to fulfil the task. 他决心全力以赴地去完成任务。
- These trains are special “tipe” ration trains and the method of loading and their contents are always uniform and exactly prescribed so that they may be requestioned by the use of one code word. 这些列车都是特别的补给倾卸列车,它们的卸载方式和容量都是统一的和精确规定的,这样可以用一个代码字母来进行调拨。