- Enterprise governance is a system arrangement among property right bodies. 摘要企业治理是针对各产权主体之间的产权关系的制度安排。
- Therefor, should be vigorously propelled its construction with the system arrangement. 因此,应以制度安排为着力点,大力推进企业诚信建设。
- The system arrangement of value and droit can mirror exiguous sex to conduce to the adjustment of economic structure. 价值和所有权的制度安排能够反映稀少性有助于经济结构的调整。
- Effective system arrangement of forestry property right is the basis and core of forestry economic development. 有效的林业产权制度安排是林业经济发展的基础与核心。
- Social security is a remote system arrangement in human society, and outcome of modern society development and cultural improvement. 社会保障制度是人类社会久远的制度安排,是现代社会发展和文明进步的产物。
- The article brings out the system arrangement about defrayal of rural education, choice of industrial structure and township and village enterprise. 从农村教育投入、产业结构选择和城镇化建设三方面提出促进江苏省农村劳动力转移的制度安排。
- The features,system arrangement, working princi ple and so on of additive servo relief valve to dynamic braking system of lcader are intreduced. 介绍了装载机动力制动系统增加的继动应急阀特点、系统布置和系统工作原理等。
- Currently a lot of agriculture systems show certain inelasticity on certain level, the blame that this kind of inelasticity is agricultural system arrangement is balanced quality. 当前有许多农业制度在一定的程度上表现出一定的不适应性,这种不适应性就是农业制度安排的非均衡性。
- Informal system arrangement is to point to mix with convention, consuetudinary, traditional, culture ideological and the regulation of existence. 非正式制度安排是指以惯例、习俗、传统、文化和意识形态而存在的规则。
- The basic system arrangement that socialist market economy exchanges is the property that builds exclusiveness for belongings. 社会主义市场经济交换的基本制度安排是为财产建立排他性的所有权。
- Moral Hazard of CPA is one kind of dissimilated behavior, and exterior system arrangement is "the chief criminal" which causes it. 注册会计师道德风险是一种行为异化,从一定意义上说,外部制度安排是行为异化的“罪魁祸首”;
- As far as the teaching system is concerned, we should esta blish the motivating system arrangement,diversified stereoscopic organic system and network system of communication. 具体到教学制度上,就是要建立激励性的制度安排、多样化的立体组织系统以及网络性的沟通机制。
- The result of the Lin Zhonggao’ study about the auditor independence definitude the relation between the system arrangement and the auditor independence. 注册会计师保持审计独立性的概率是一套制度安排的结果,这为注册会计师审计独立性的制度安排提供了理论依据。
- Exiting a mechanism is the crucial link with poineering successful capital, exit a mechanism feasibly to just make poineering capital makes a kind of effective system arrangement. 退出机制是创业资本成功的关键环节 ,可行的退出机制才使创业资本成为一种有效的制度安排。
- Chapter 4, the overall analysis circulate the new-made degree of the system arrangement economics meaning, come further analytical the meaning of the reform. 第四章,全面分析全流通制度安排的新制度经济学意义,来进一步分析改革的意义。
- Of a kind of scientific system form, it is thought content is established above all prevenient, after in order to reflects the system arrangement of thought content to be in. 一种科学制度的形成,首先是思想内容奠定在先,用以体现思想内容的制度安排在后。
- Accordingly, in land materiality market specific run on, ought to have lead consciousness, want to go down to seek a new pattern in existing system arrangement namely. 因此,在土地有形市场的具体运作上,应当具有超前意识,即要在现有体制安排下去寻求一个新的模式。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Specifies the direction in which the system arranges minimized windows. 指定系统排列最小化窗口的方向。
- Abstract: From operating characteristics of atmospheric vacuum dist illation unit, control targets, control strategies, system arrangement and function s of APC taking multivariable predicting controller as the core in these units w ere analyzed. 文摘:从常减压蒸馏装置的工艺操作特点出发,分析在该类装置上实施以多变量预估控制器为核心的先进控制的控制目标、略、统配置及功能。