- syphon barometer 虹吸气压计
- The mercury in the barometer is rising. 气压计的水银柱正在上升。
- Air pressure is measured by a barometer. 空气压力用气压计度量。
- Hair is a barometer of your general health. 头发是你基本健康状况的晴雨表。
- Now the barometer points to rain. 晴雨表正显示会下雨。
- The barometer recorded a low pressure. 气压表标明有一低气压。
- Italian mathematician and physicist who invented the mercury barometer. 托里切利,伊凡吉利斯坦1608-1647意大利数学家和物理学家,他发明了水银温度计
- What does the falling of the barometer mean? 气压计下降意味着什么?
- A falling barometer denotes an approaching storm. 气压计下降显示暴风雨正逐渐逼近。
- The barometer is jumping up rapidly. 气压表迅速上升。
- The mercury in the barometer is rising . 气压计的水银柱正在上升。
- The sstock market is a barometer of business. 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。
- The market is a barometer of human emotion. 市场是人们情绪的晴雨表。
- The barometer began (started) to fall. 气压计开始下降。
- Barometer readings are plotted on a pressure chart. 等压线圈上绘出了气压计的读数。
- The stock market is a barometer of business. 股票市场是商业的晴雨表。
- Read the figure shown on the barometer, please. 请你读出气压表显示的数字。
- Such instrument as thermometer and barometer can be found in any physics laboratory. 象温度计和气压计这样的仪器在任何物理实验室中都可以找到。
- To aid clearing syphon again in 2 months an again if necessary before bottling. 2个月内再次清洁虹吸管,如果有必要,在装瓶之前重复这一操作。
- It provides a convenient scale length for barometer. 这为气压计提供了适宜的刻度长度。