- Superficially talking reform of qualification management system for exploration survey and design unit 浅谈工程勘察设计资质管理体制改革
- Simple Analysis of the Current Status and Development of the Drawings and Archive Keeping Work in the Survey and Design Units 浅析勘察设计单位底图档案工作的现状与发展
- Dossier Management of Equipment and Instrument for Navigation Survey and Design Unit 浅议航务勘察设计单位设备仪器档案管理
- survey and design units 勘察设计单位
- survey and design unit 勘察设计单位
- Abstracts: Due to the change of market environment in the survey and design industry, the traditional income distribution system of survey and design work units isn't unconformity. 摘要:由于勘察设计行业外部市场环境的变化,勘察设计企业传统的薪酬管理模式已经呈现出较大的不适应性。
- I have produced by SK ventilators have been a number of large enterprises and design units to use. 我公司生产的有SK通风器已被多家大型企业和设计单位为使用。
- The guide was developed using current data available from the Grassland Survey and Design Institute and Inner Mongolian Agriculture University. 该指南是利用内蒙古草原勘察设计院和内蒙古农业大学的数据作出的。
- Cargo survey and find below standard filing claim. 货品检验后发现不合标准,故请求索赔。
- Improving The Handling of Goods and Materials in Forestry Surveying and Designing Units to Decrease the Payout of Cost 优化林勘设计单位物资管理,努力降低成本支出
- The requirements of building up PDL with leading level bring the railway survey and design enterprises both opportunity and challenge. 建设世界一流水平的客运专线,给铁路勘察设计企业带来了发展机遇和挑战。
- Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license,it shall come up with a cutting area survey and design document. 第三十四条国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。
- Article 34 When a state-owned forestry enterprise or institution applies for the cutting license, it shall come up with a cutting area survey and design document. 第三十四条 国有林业企业事业单位申请采伐许可证时,必须提出伐区调查设计文件。
- Through the analysis of karat geological conditions of Guangzhou metro No. 2, 3, 5 and 6 number lines, the method and measures were proposed for metro survey and design. 摘要通过对广州地铁2、3、5、6号线经过地段的隐伏岩溶区地质条件的分析,提出地铁勘察、设计的方法和措施。
- Project quality control is a systematic project, from feasibility studies, survey and design, construction, completion and acceptance, there is a quality control issue. 工程项目质量控制是个系统工程,从可行性研究、勘察设计、施工、竣工验收等,都有一个质量控制问题。
- The paper analyzed the characteristics of tourist road,intro du ced main point of tourist road survey and design, and proposed some new ideas f or reference. 分析旅游公路特点,总结旅游公路测设要点,提出旅游路交通量分析新观点,强调地质、环保,介绍设计中采用的技术成就。
- Through the analysis of karst geological conditions of Guangzhou metro Nos. 2,3,5 and 6 number lines, the method and measures were proposed for metro survey and design. 通过对广州地铁2、3、5、6号线经过地段的隐伏岩溶区地质条件的分析,提出地铁勘察、设计的方法和措施。
- Construction and Applications of Computer Network for Design Units. 设计单位计算机网络的建设和应用。
- Article 4 The principles of openness, fairness, justice, and good faith shall be abided by in the bid invitation and bid tendering for survey and design of highway projects. 第四条公路工程勘察设计招标投标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正、诚实信用的原则。
- Units undertaking feasibility studies, survey and designing, construction, project supervision for highway roads construction projects must be accommodated with qualification certificates issued by the State. 承担公路建设项目的可行性研究单位、勘查设计单位、施工单位和工程监理单位,必须持有国家规定的资质证书。