- subsurface benchmark 井下基准
- But India's benchmark was unusually abstemious. 但是印度的贫困基准点有超乎寻常的节食性质。
- Even the benchmark for being ranked dropped. 更甚的是,连进入排名的标准也随之降低了。
- And that is a good benchmark for us. 这是我们的一个良好尺度。
- But China surpassed even this benchmark last year. 但去年中国甚至超过了这一基准。
- SPECint95 benchmark suite is used to validate MPTP. 模拟器以SPECint95程序进行基准测试。
- Federal Reserve raised benchmark rate again. 美联储(国联邦储备委员会)次提高基准利率。
- Let's benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. 让我们掂量这些点点滴滴:是的,我注定会死去。
- This study is concerned essentially with subsurface water. 这里的研究主要针对地下水。
- Tonight's match is still a benchmark. 今晚的比赛仍是一次重大考验.
- Japan's benchmark Nikkei index sinks 6percent . 日本的日经指数下跌百分之6.
- But the benchmark still matters. 但基准仍至关重要。
- This is the important link for problems of subsurface flow. 这是解决地下水问题的重要一环。
- Both surface and subsurface data could be used together. 还能使这两种资料配合使用。
- They can be misidentified easily in the subsurface as fossil offshore bars. 它们在地下深处最易于与石化了的滨外沙洲混淆起来。
- China is set to lead the negotiations for benchmark prices for2007. 中国目前是全球最大的原材料买家,将会主导2007年铁矿石基准价格谈判。
- This region can be considered to consist of surface atoms and subsurface atoms. 该区域可被看作为由表面原子和亚表面的原子所组成。
- Can the Euro be a Benchmark for Asian Monetary Co-operation? 欧元能否成为亚洲金融合作的基准?
- Referred to as the EPR Benchmark to provide guidance. 藉此提供编制环保报告的指引。