- We have substantial evidence for lodging a claim. 我们有足够证据提出索赔。
- We have no substantial evidence to support this hypothesis. 我们缺少事实根据来支持这种假说。
- The police have got substantial evidence against the robber. 警察掌握了起诉抢匪的充足证据。
- Indeed, courts increasingly see a "convergence" between the arbitrariness test and the substantial evidence test. 实际上,法院不断地目睹着主观武断标准和主证据标准之间的"趋同现象"。
- Traditionally, the substantial evidence test was regarded as a more stringent standard because it occurred on a record. 传统意义上讲,人们视主证据标准为更苛刻的标准,因为它存在于记录之中。
- Substantial evidence indicates that health is a major factor affecting the learning capacity of a person. 据资料显示,健康是影响人们学习能力的主要因素。
- Substantial evidence shows that inflammation promotes oncogenesis and, occasionally, participates in cancer rejection. 充实的证据表明炎症能够促进肿瘤发生,偶尔也会参与癌症排斥。
- Some Christians believe there is substantial evidence, but also a measure of doubt. 又有些基督徒,相信有足够证据,可是还是有些怀疑。
- There is substantial evidence indicating that these programs have the means to purchase books. 以下有充分的迹象表明这些计划具有购买书籍的(有效)措施。
- The third part is the substantial evidence analysis that our country fanner increase income. 然后,在这一基础上,分析了制约农民收入增长的主要制约因素和增收的主要途径。
- Substantial evidence also implicates VEGF in tumor and intraocular angiogenesis. 另外,VEGF也可诱导血小板粘附于血管内皮细胞而出现高凝状态。
- A court applying the substantial evidence test is supposed to assess the reasonableness of the agency's factfinding, and not find the "right" or "true" facts itself. 适用主证据标准的法院应该评估机关事实调查的合理性而非认定事实本身的"正确性"或"真实性"。
- These verbal glosses on the text of the APA are admittedly not very helpful in applying the substantial evidence test to particular cases. 人们承认,针对具体案件适用主证据标准时,在《行政程序法》文本中的这些字面词汇并无大多的帮助。
- Substantial evidence and the understanding of history,comprehensiveness and objectivity are the principles for the writing of academic history. 实证与史识、全面与客观,是学术史书写的基本原则。
- This case is another instance in which a Medicaid recipient was denied services despite substantial evidence of medical necessity. 这个案例尽管有充足的证据显示有医疗上的需求,却是医疗补助接受者遭到拒绝的另一个实例。
- In the meantime we carry on a substantial evidence research through the Osborne computer enterprise using the theory this paper. 我们以奥斯本计算机公司为例,应用本文理论对其企业的社会资本构建问题进行了实证研究。
- There is substantial evidence implicating a chronic vascular inflamm ation process in the pathogenesis of atherosclerotic. 越来越多的证据表明动脉粥样硬化是血管壁的慢性炎症性疾病。
- The court of appeals must consider the matter solely on the record before the Secretary, and his findings are conclusive if supported by substantial evidence. 上诉法院必须在部长批准之前根据记录对该案进行完全独立的思考,如果确有证据,即确定其判决。
- Liquor distil is one of the substantial evidences in origin investigation. 摘要白酒蒸馏器是研究我国起源的重要实物证据之一。
- Of course, the substantial evidence test becomes meaningful only in conjunction with a substantive standard against which the agency's fact findings will be evaluated. 当然,只有当主证据标准与实体标准相连、根据后者可以评估机关的事实认定时,这一检测标准才有意义。