- The subprime crisis has tarred the dollar as a subprime currency. 次信贷危机搞乱了作为次信贷货币的美元。
- And in the midst of the subprime crisis, the SocGen saga resonates for other reasons too. 正值全球次贷危机发生,兴业的传奇之所以引起共鸣还有其它的原因。
- AU Optronics Corp. said it expects little impact from the U.S. subprime crisis on second quarter earnings. 友达光电公司表示,预期美国次贷危机对公司第二季盈利影响甚小。
- The seeds of the subprime crisis were sown, and the new techniques of securitisation allowed banks to make these loans and then offload them quickly. 这时,次级房贷的种子已经撒下,新的证券化技术使得银行那个发放这些贷款,并将这些贷款更快卖出。
- Too many proposals are impractical, or worse. Is there anything that can cushion the economy from the hit of the subprime crisis? 悲观地说很多建议都是不切实际的,真的是没有任何的措施或方案缓解由于次级债带来的经济风波吗?
- But no Schadenfreude exists in Japan.After all, the subprime crisis also threatens the economic recovery that Japan desperately desires. 对于美国的危机,日本不会像当时的美国一样幸灾乐祸,因为次级贷危机也威胁着日本期盼已久的经济复苏。
- "Everybody calls it a subprime crisis, in the sense that if no subprime mortgages had ever been made, we would not have had a crisis. 杜鲁门说:“每个人都说这是一场次级房贷危机,意思是说如果次级房贷没有出现麻烦,就不会出现现在的危机。
- Shares in Macquarie Bank fell sharply this week as Australia's largest investment bank was caught up in the effects of the US subprime crisis. 麦格理银行的股价本周大幅下跌,因为这家澳大利亚最大的投行受到了美国次级抵押贷款市场危机的影响。
- Haruhiko Kuroda, the Asian Development Bank president, said yesterday that he did not expect the US subprime crisis to damage Asian economic growth. “但如果认为这里没有其它方面的经济挑战,那将是愚蠢的想法。
- Since the real problem lay partly in the mortgages, rather than the borrowers, this suggests the subprime crisis was a financial-market mess, as well as a housing one. 由此可见问题的部分真正原因是在于抵押借款,而非借款人,这意味着次贷危机是一种金融市场混乱及房地产市场的混乱。
- Yet, youngold are convinced about one thing. The key factor for Chinese shares now is not the subprime crisis or more rogue traders, they believe,how the government responds. 然而,年轻人和老年人都相信一点。他们认为,中国股市目前的关键因素不是次贷危机或更多流氓交易员,政府如何反应。
- But the subprime crisis that had begun in America was beginning to infect the central European property market, making the role of underwriter a risky one. 但是美国的次贷危机开始影响中欧的房地产市场,使承销商成为一个危险的角色。
- Even if direct financial contagion is contained, America's subprime crisis could spawn psychological contagion, particularly a reassessment of house prices. 就算直接的金融传染得到抑制,美国的次机债券危机也会产生心理上的传染,特别是在房价的回落方面。
- And it struck a second time with the escalation of the subprime crisis of 2007 into the credit crunch of 2008 and finally the “great recession” of 2009. 随着2007年次贷危机升级为2008年的信贷紧缩,并最终演变成2009年的“大萧条”,复仇女神发起了第二波攻击。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- She's always to the fore at moments of crisis. 她在危急关头总是挺身而出。
- The industry felt the effects of the energy crisis. 该工业受到能源危机的影响。
- I was on the sidelines during the political crisis. 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人。