- Draft out Feasibility Study Report. 起草外商投资可行性研究报告。
- This study reports the possibility of microtumor. 本篇报告提出微小肿瘤的存在。
- What shall be included in the feasibility study report of a Sino-foreign joint venture? 外商投资企业可行性研究报告包括哪些内容?
- The advanced environmental appraisal and feasibility study report have been completed now. 目前已完成高级环评,可研报告。
- A great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties. 大量研究报告了不确定性的处理方法。
- Feb.5,2005 Cummins and Shaanqi signed the Feasibility Study Report on Engine Joint Venture. 2005年2月5日,康明斯公司与陕汽集团签订合资组建发动机厂可行性研究协议。
- According to the study report from U.S., the constructability can shorten the duration, and deduct the cost. 依国外经验,施工性计画可以减少施工问题、缩短工期、减少成本。
- This is an investigation & study report on human resource management (HRM) of Baotou Iron & Steel (Group) Co. 这是一篇关于包钢人力资源开发与管理现状调研报告。
- This study reports 2 cases of inguinoscrotal bladder herniation. 我们报告二例腹股沟阴囊膀胱疝气。
- Apr. 20th 2006, the Feasibility Study Report of Zhuhai NGL (Natural gas liquefaction) project was verified by CNOOC. 4月20日,中国海洋石油总公司批准珠海天然气液化项目的可行性研究报告。
- It includes remeasure dimension accuracy, installation convenience and realiablity, online checking's validity and gage %R&R study report, etc. 预验收内容包括检具的尺寸精度复测、检具的安装简便性、可靠性在线检测的有效性及检具R&R研究结果是否合格并学习检具的操作和维修保养等。
- No issuer, managing underwriter or inquiry object may publicize or disclose the content of an investment value study report in any form. 发行人、主承销商和询价对象不得以任何形式公开披露投资价值研究报告的内容。
- Another six studies reported ongoing pregnancies. 另外六项研究报道了正在妊娠者。
- The feasibility study report has been worked out, and the project construction programming, land collection prejudication and so on are all approved. 该项目已编制工程可行性研究报告,项目建设规划、环评、用地预审、项目核准都已通过有关部门的审批。
- Article 9A managing underwriter shall provide an investment value study report to the inquiry objects when making inquiries. 第九条主承销商应当在询价时向询价对象提供投资价值研究报告。
- Therefore, the logical order on the study, the feasibility study report on the preparation of projects should first report. 因此,就研究的逻辑顺序而言,可行性研究报告的编写应先于项目申请报告。
- Feasibility study report prepared by the parties to the contractual joint venture (3 originals, signed and sealed by the parties to the contractual joint venture). 合作各方共同编制的可行性研究报告(原件3份,各作各方签字、盖章);
- Feasibility study report prepared by the parties to the equity joint venture (1 original, signed and sealed by the parties to the equity joint venture). 合营各方共同编制的可行性研究报告(原件1份,各营各方签字、盖章);
- A Panel may as required seek the views of the House Committee on a particular matter, or inform the House Committee of the contents of its study report. 如有需要,事务委员会亦可就特定事宜徵询内务委员会的意见,或告知内务委员会其研究报告的内容。
- Note: The establishment of a foreign-funded enterprise requires the examination and approval of nothing more than a feasibility study report and the enterprise constitution. 注:设立外商独资企业只审批可行性报告和章程。