- Beverage drink organic impregnant etc. Liquid, especially used to transport strong corrosive liquid have granule. 尤其适用于输送含细颗粒状的强腐蚀性液体。
- It is mainly made of reinforced PP with short time of self-priming and long life, a kind of zero-leakage pump for automation long distance control and fluid transmission of strongly corrosive liquid. 该泵以增强聚丙烯为主要材料,自吸时间短、寿命长,是自动化远程控制和流动输送强腐蚀液体的无漏泵。
- strongly corrosion liquid 强腐蚀性液体
- It can measure the volume flow rate of conducting liquids including paper pulp, slurry, sewage and soliquoid, and that of strong corrosive liquids including acid, alkali, salt, etc. 包括酸、碱、盐等强腐蚀性液体的体积流量。
- Appearance:colorless transparent liquid or white sheet,strong base with strong corrosion, easily soluble in water. 外观:无色透明液体或白色片状,属强碱,有强腐蚀性,易溶于水,溶解时放出大量的热。
- Corrosive liquid, water-reactive, n.o.s. 腐蚀性液体,与水反应,
- The alkaline solution had very strong corrosion action on the glass fibre and calcium ion showed the most obvious corrosion action on the glass fibre. 实验表明碱性溶液对玻璃纤维具有很强的侵蚀作用,其中钙离子对玻璃纤维的侵蚀作用最为显著;
- It is suitable to be used under the conditions of higher temperature, strong corrosion, with certain granules and fouling forming. 适用于温度较高、腐蚀性强、带有一定颗粒物而易形成污堵的工况。
- The main cause to lead the cover leakage was erosion by alkali elements and Cl,S,O strong corrosion elements which are with high concentration con... 结果表明,汽包中水质含有较高浓度的碱性元素和氯、硫、氧等强腐蚀性元素,又在焊接残余应力的作用下发生应力腐蚀开裂,最后导致汽包封头产生泄漏。
- Medium: water, polluted water, oil and weak corrosive liquid. 介质:水、污水、油类及其它弱腐蚀性液体。
- Because transmitting and processing of natural gas has very strong corrosion to pipes,2205 duplex stainless steel was selected as pipes materials for oil field. 新疆油田工程输送和处理的天然气介质腐蚀性很强,因此管道材料选用2205双相不锈钢耐蚀材料。
- Black oxidation film on aluminum alloy with good adhension, strong corrosion resistance and beautiful color can be obtained by two steps of oxidation coloring. 该工艺通过两步氧化着色法,得到了结合力好、耐蚀性强、颜色鲜艳美观的铝合金黑色氧化膜。
- Aluminized mild steel has a strongly corrosion resistance to naphthenic acid, which is far better than that of 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel and is as same as that of 316L stainless steel. 渗铝钢耐环烷酸腐蚀性能远远超过了1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢,与316L不锈钢耐蚀性能相当。
- High temperature, high dust, high moisture, strong corrosion and explosion proof are five difficult problems in designing sam pling and pretreatment system for process gas analysis. 高温、高粉尘、高水分、强腐蚀性和防爆是过程气体分析中取样预处理系统设计的五大技术难题,它们既密切相关,又相对独立。
- F series is a single-stage, single-suction, cantilevered and centrifugal corrosion-resistant pump.It is designed for pumping corrosion liquids with no solid particles. F 型耐腐蚀泵为单级、单吸、悬臂式离心泵,用于输送不含固体颗粒、有腐蚀性介质。
- Pure (“glacial”) acetic acid is a clear, syrupy, corrosive liquid that mixes readily with water. 纯醋酸(又称冰醋酸, glacial acetic acid)是一种无色腐蚀性液体,能与水完全混合。
- Suitable for viscous, strong corrosive of or easy to be crystallized media. 适于测量腐蚀性较强,且黏稠或易结晶的介质的压力。
- That this pump is suitable in carries not Han s solid anything small and roundish has corrosiveness liquid . 本泵适用于输送不含固体颗粒有腐蚀性液体。
- Suitable for visous, strong corrosive or easy to be crystallized media. 适于测量腐蚀性较强,且粘稠或易结晶的介质的压力。
- As a result of the mechanical properties of copper alloy, and has not rusted, the advantages of strong corrosion resistance, copper valve, therefore the steel gradually replacing the valve. 由于铜合金的力学性能好,具有不易生锈、耐蚀性强的优点,因此铜制阀门已渐渐取代了铁制阀门。