- He has been in straitened circumstances. 他已经处于贫困的境地。
- Industries in straitened circumstances n. 困难行业。
- He was a writer living in straitened circumstances. 他是一个生活拮据的作家。
- The family of eight was living in straitened circumstances. 八口之家日子过得很拮据。
- The disabled form a special social group in straitened circumstances. 残疾人是一个特殊而困难的社会群体。
- We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances. 完善国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度。
- Many of the minority nationalities, who were in straitened circumstances and not countenanced, had to hide in the mountains and live a life of seclusion from the outside world. 许多少数民族不被承认,境遇悲惨,有的只能躲进深山,过着与世隔绝的生活。
- In life, Mary because economy in straitened circumstances, extremely difficult life. 在生活上,玛丽因经济拮据,过着非常艰苦的生活。
- Past: In 1975, Hengdian Group took its first step by establishing Hengdian Silk Factory in straitened circumstances. 昨日: 1975年,横店丝厂在艰难中创立,迈出蹒跚的第一步;
- We should improve the state policysystem for aiding students in straitened circumstances. 完善国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度。
- Many of the minority nationalities,who were in straitened circumstances and not countenanced,had to hide in the mountains and live a life of seclusion from the outside world. 许多少数民族不被承认,境遇悲惨,有的只能躲进深山,过着与世隔绝的生活。
- More importantly,we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them. 制定和贯彻党的方针政策,基本着眼点是要代表最广大人民的根本利益,正确反映和兼顾不同方面群众的利益,使全体人民朝着共同富裕的方向稳步前进。
- More importantly, we must pay great attention to less developed areas and the industries and people in straitened circumstances and show concern for them. 更重要的是,我们要高度重视和关心欠发达地区以及比较困难的行业和群众。
- Gas, gold, oil and cotton continue to generate sufficient hard currency to enable Mr Karimov’s government to maintain the Uzbek model, even under more straitened circumstances. 天然气、黄金、油和棉花继续带来足够的坚挺货币,使卡莫夫政府即使在更困苦的情况下也能够维持乌兹别克斯坦模式。
- Gas, gold, oil and cotton continue to generate sufficient hard currency to enable Mr Karimov's government to maintain the Uzbek model, even under more straitened circumstances. 天然气,黄金,石油和棉花继续维持着卡里莫夫先生的政府的经济模型,哪怕环境再进一步恶劣。
- The social welfare system is a system established by the Chinese government to provide funds to ensure the livelihood of senior citizens,orphans and the handicapped persons who are in extraordinarily straitened circumstances. 中国社会福利制度是指政府出资为那些生活困难的老人、孤儿和残疾人等特殊困难群体提供生活保障而建立的制度。
- We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances, we should formulate a long-term program for scientific and technological development. 完善国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度。制定科学和技术长远发展规划。
- In addition, he noted that he did not mean to assert the rich’s interest.On the contrary, his purpose is to show his concerns about the families living in straitened circumstances. 此外,他还解释自己的观点绝不是在“为富人说话”,恰恰相反是出于对社会上最困难人群的关心。
- The large amount property loss causes the consumer on hand in straitened circumstances, in addition loans even more difficultly, the consumer market falls into the murky condition. 巨额资产损失使消费者手头拮据,加上贷款愈加困难,消费市场陷入低迷状态。
- financial cost in straitened circumstances 财务拮据成本