- You will only stiffen his resolve. 你只会坚定他的决心。
- stiffening coefficient 刚化系数
- The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答应给他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。
- He tried to stiffen his wavering soldiers. 他企图使动摇的士兵坚强起来。
- Stiffen the cream by adding gelatine. 通过增加白明胶使奶油变硬。
- The jelly will stiffen as it cools. 果冻冷却后会变硬。
- Her mouth stiffening, she could not elaborate. 她嘴巴僵直,无法细说下去。
- I noticed him stiffen when I mentioned money. 当我提到钱时,我注意到他变得不自然。
- Water has a variable coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Your job is to stiffen linen with starch. 你的工作是把亚麻台布浆洗硬了。
- We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness. 我们一定要使他们都坚强起来,不允许有丝毫软弱。
- Besides aching, I fee1 stiffening and fatigue. 除了疼痛外,我感到发硬和疲乏。
- Pascal published a treatus on binomial coefficient. 帕斯克发表了关于二项系数的论文。
- Her mouth stiffening , she could not elaborate. 她嘴巴僵直,无法细说下去。
- Cancel water vapour permeability coefficient. 取消了水蒸气渗透系数。
- Water is variable in coefficient of expansion. 水的膨胀系数是可变的。
- Functional coefficient of biological cycle: FCBC. 生物循环功能系数。
- He tried to stiffen his waveringsoldiers. 他企图使动摇的士兵坚强起来。
- Note: Underlined parts are direct path coefficient. 注:划线的为直接通经系数。
- Joints stiffen with advancing years. 人一上年纪,关节就变僵硬了。