- standardized manage ment 规范性管理
- The manage ment of the cellar and the requirement of organoleptic and chem. 以及怎样合理建窖,使用窖养护窖具体要求;
- E. management plan.On enterprise manage ment, we orientate to:strictness、 standard、 Systematically、 Precision、 Optimum and Perfect. E管理方案的完美与规范,将企业管理定位为:严格、正规、有序、到位、最佳、完美;
- Liaison for international business inspection, exp.%26imp. Trade and manage ment consulting. 有关国际商务考察、投资、进出口贸易、管理咨询等业务的联络工作。
- CAD system used for standardized management. 标准化管理计算机辅助设计系统。
- According to the charact eristics of these students,the article d iscusses countermeasures of instruct ions on political and ideological education and manage ment. 针对这一群体的特点,就学生政治思想教育和管理工作的对策进行了探讨。
- The excharge rate of RMB is real to return to manage ment float is a strategic measnre for developing market economy, promoting the market main factor efficiency strategy raise. 人民币汇率真正回归到有管理的浮动是我国深化市场经济体系改革,提升市场要素效率的重要战略举措。
- Our unit is carrying out measures of standardized management. 我们单位正在推行标准化管理办法。
- Improve the operation procedure and standard management level. 完善运作流程,提高销售部规范化管理水平。
- Some explosion theories are discussed.Analysis is made for the old manage ment system hampering blasting effectiveness and the better basting results achieved by improving the system. 另外,就爆破工作在管理上存在的问题和改善管理后取得的效果作了分析。
- Standard management is important in SGM auto manufacturing system. 标准化管理是上海通用汽车制造系统的一个重要组成部分。
- Comprehensive management in Finance industry was financial system dealing with the manage ment in bank, negotiable securities, insurance industry, etc. 摘要金融业综合经营是指银行业、证券业、保险业等跨业经营的一种金融制度。
- Abstract: Because of so much deficiency in traditional manage ment mode of gas station, A gas station automatization information management sy stem is developed. 文摘:传统的民航加油站管理方式存在进出油控制不准,不利于实时观测油位变化以及必须人工处理大量报表等一系列既不方便又不安全的因素。
- XIX) Perfecting service system and strengthening standard management. (十九)完善服务体系和加强规范管理。
- OGSA is an open standard managed by the GGF standards body. OGSA是一种由GGF标准团体进行管理的开放式标准。
- Research on Hybrid Network Manage ment Model 混合网络管理模型研究
- HP Open View is a more powerful function platfor m for network management. With its application program and application programmin g interface API,user can easily fulfill configuration management,failure manage ment and performance management,etc. HP Open View为网络管理提供了功能比较强大的平台,通过 自带的应用程序,借助于其应用程序编程接口API,用户可容易地完成配置管理、失效管理 和性能管理等工作。
- Fundamental to grid storage management is standardized management of the storage network infrastructure. 网格存储管理的基本原理是对存储网络基础设施进行标准化的管理。
- students in colleges and universities manage ment 高校学生管理工作
- The military academies and schools are moving in the new direction of enlarged scale, modernized instruction, standardized management and socialized logistical support. 军队院校开始走上规模化办校、现代化教学、正规化管理、社会化保障的新路子。