- Check and set up standard process cycle time. 评估制造成本,制定标准工时,减少资源浪费。
- Description of organization's set of standard process. 组织标准过程集合描述。
- It's a standard process to describe hearing intensity. 描述听觉敏感性的标准行为程序。
- Identification of the baseline of standard process used. 标识出已用标准过程的基线。
- SP1.3 Establish and maintain the tailoring criteria and guidelines for the organization's set of standard processes. 建立和维护用于组织标准过程的裁剪标准和指南。
- Ionization in a free-air chamber is the standard process for measuring x-and r-ray exposure(in roentgens). 自由空气电离室中的电离作用是量度x和r射线照射量(伦琴)的标准方法。
- The power of fan is standard processes, and shall be is increased if cloth bag dust-remover and retrieval of solvent are added. 风机功率为标准流程,如加布袋除尘和回收溶剂则要增加。
- Then by use of knowledge library and reasoning machine, the standard process rules for semifinished products of curved blocks were obtained. 利用知识库和推理机进行工艺决策,生成曲面分段各个中间产品的加工工艺规程。
- Some standard process modules and standard therblig base had been created to improve the maneuverability of the outputs. 为了使输出结果更具可操作性,建立了标准工艺块和标准动素库。
- RTSP server and client. RTSP using the standard process, in which the client for the controls. RTSP服务器和客户端.;使用标准的RTSP过程;其中客户端为控件
- Standard processes implement an access control model that allows full access to the owner of the process and administrative accounts with the Debug Programs privilege. 标准进程实施访问控制模式,允许使用“调试程序”权限完全访问进程所有者和管理帐户。
- Major point is that standardized processes and data is key to flexibility. 重点是标准化的流程和资料是弹性的关键。
- Standard process of disciplinary punishment can assure disciplinary punishment lawfulness, reasonable, justice, fairness and so on. 只有教育惩戒程序规范,才能确保高校教育惩戒合法、合理、公正、公平。
- In order to establish the standard process of Earing Test, various factors affecting the percentage Earing value E are discussed in detail. 为建立金属板带的凸耳试验标准,本文对影响凸耳值E的各种因素作了详细的分析。
- Select the processes or subprocesses in the organization's set of standard processes that are to be included in the organization's process performance analyses. 在纳入组织过程性能分析的组织标准过程中,选择过程或子过程。
- The UML is intentionally process independent, and defining a standard process was not a goal of the UML or OMG抯 RFP. UML是有意处理独立人士,并且定义标准的进程不是UML或OMG的一个目标的RFP。
- Specifies the time interval, in standard process model format (hr: min: sec), after which a responsive worker process that is not responding is restarted. 以标准进程模型格式(hr:min:sec)指定时间间隔,在该时间间隔后,将重新启动没有响应的响应辅助进程。
- Finally, based on the W-k-prototypes algorithm, a clusting analysis system fiting the CRISP (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) model is implemented . 最后,基于W-k-prototypes算法实现了一个符合业界标准CRISP(Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining)模型的聚类分析系统。
- ODS substitute industrialization production standard process flow diagrams, information on existing and new projects of ODS substitutes are put forward. ODS替代品工业化生产标准工艺流程图和俄罗斯联邦现行和在建ODS替代品生产信息。
- At the back of this booklet sets out the standard processing time and due date we aim to achieve for a wide range of services. 列载了我们就多项服务的标准处理时间及签发证件期限所订定的目标。