- Spring Equinox Automn Equinox Daytime Equals Night. 春分秋分;昼夜等分.
- This Spring Equinox is a joyous time in the ascent of Earth. 今年春分在地球提升中是一个快乐的时刻。
- At the spring equinox, Yama-warau return to the rivers to live as Garappa. 到了春分,山童就会回到河里,重拾河童身份。
- After the Spring Equinox, the Sun originally overhead in the southern hemisphere moves north gradually. 春分之后,太阳直射点逐渐向北移,北半球的白昼变长,黑夜变短。
- Friday's spring equinox will bring the Sun into Aries and a lively social life to your doorstep. 周五的春分点将把太阳带入白羊座并且把真实的社会生活带到你的门槛。
- Devout Jews around the globe observe the special outdoor prayers just once every 28 years during the spring equinox. 全世界虔诚的犹太人都会遵守这个每28年一次的春分期间的特殊户外祈祷。
- Over the past year the spring equinox, the first full moon of the first Sunday after Easter. 每年春分过去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。
- In the United States, the spring equinox, also called the vernal equinox, comes in the month of March. 在美国,春分是在三月来临,又被叫做弗纳尔分点。
- Spring Equinox celebrates the renewed life of the Earth that comes with the spring. 在春份来临时一起庆祝春天与地球恢复新的生命。
- In the past, eggs for different peoples were a symbol of life, and also in Latvian spring equinox traditions they were given a special place. 在过去,不同的民族都把鸡蛋作为一种生命的标志,在拉脱维亚的春分传统里,鸡蛋也被赋予特殊地位。
- The Spring Equinox: Day and night today is equal. Days get longer and nights shorter get in the Northern Hemisphere after the Spring Equinox. 春分:这一天昼、夜相等。春分后北半球昼长夜短。
- Paramilitary troops jump into action, druids welcome the spring equinox, the Berlin Zoo welcomes a new arrival and more. 大概内容:武汉武警部队参与反恐行动,德鲁伊欢迎春分到来,柏林动物园欢迎新成员(小象)加盟...
- Possible date of Jesus' crucifixion was Nisan 14th, Spring Equinox, Friday April 3rd AD33 or 14th Nisan, Spring Equinox, Wednesday April 10th AD32. 耶稣被钉十字架很可能是在尼散月第14日,春分,公元33年4月3日(星期五),或尼散月第14日,春分,公元32年4月10日(星期三)。
- Easter Sunday has to be the first Sunday following the full moon, after the Spring equinox (March 21) - the Paschal Full Moon . 每年在教堂庆祝的复活节指的是在每年春分(三月21日)月圆后的第一个星期日,如果月圆那天刚好是星期天,复活节则推迟一星期。
- Spring equinox Autumnal Equinox each year around sun, because the Taiwan topography higher, and the sun will shine this place. 每年春分秋分前后,夕阳西下时,由于金台地势较高,还有阳光能照到这个地方。
- Spring equinox, March 20 Gregorian calendar year or 21 day, the sun yellow arrive by 0 degrees (spring equinox) when beginning. 春分,每年公历3月20或21日,太阳到达黄经0度(春分点)时开始。
- The sun rises over Stonehenge as druids celebrate the Spring Equinox at Stonehenge on March 20 2009 near Amesbury, Wiltshire, England. 春分日明媚的朝阳正透过英国的史前石柱阵照来。
- People raise their hands toward the sun during a celebration of the spring equinox on top of the Pyramid of the Sun at the Teotihuacan archeological site in Mexico. 墨西哥的春分庆典中。民众在特奥蒂瓦的太阳金字塔遗址上面向太阳,高举双手。(照片:法新社
- It is also a “cross-quarter” day astronomically, being halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox, and falls at the time groundhogs are coming out of hibernation. 那天也是一个跨季,连接冬至和春分,恰缝当时土拨鼠冬眠结束。
- Later added were the Spring Equinox, the Autumnal Equinox, the Beginning of Spring, the Beginning of Summer, the Beginning of Autumn and the Beginning of Winter. 最初只有夏至、冬至,随后逐渐增加了春分、秋分及立春、立夏、立秋、立冬。