- spotted colored pea 麻豌豆
- Enable to change the dot angle for spot color. 允许改变专色的网角。
- Enhanced support for spot color. 增强对专色的支持。
- Sometimes we still need to convert spot color into CMYK. 有时我们还需要将颜色转换为专门用于印刷的四分色。
- Improve identification and processing of files with spot color. 提高了对含有专色文件的识别和处理能力。
- For example, a printer can create screen tints of a spot color that print on a single plate. 例如,打印机可创建在单个印板上打印的某种专色的屏幕淡色。
- The conclusion is that we can use densitometry to measure and control spot color ink relatively for most of spot... 实验结果表明对于一般的专色油墨可以通过密度测量的方法进行相对的评价。
- They also like the 4-color device's optional fifth printing unit, which enables value-added coating, glossing and spot color. 他们还像四色设备的任择第五届印刷单位,使增值涂层,美化和专色。
- Confecting spot color, you should choose to use the original color ink clients'require so envirogluvtm mingdu of ink and saturation can be guaranteed. 配制专色时,答采存原色油墨举行调配,这样的油墨墨色的明度和饱和度都不妨包管。
- Using one spot color when you print your publication at a commercial printing service reduces printing costs while giving the publication the richness of an added accent color. 在专业印刷机构打印出版物时,使用专色可在降低成本的同时,为出版物提供丰富的附加强调文字颜色。
- It has been a growing concern in the printing industry that if can we use densitometry to measure and control spot color ink or not when considering printing process control. 近年来,专色油墨被广泛地应用于印刷中,能否使用密度测量的方法对专色油墨印刷进行控制是很多企业所关心的问题。
- In this paper, based on the tests on different paper with different ink thickness, we measure spot color ink print using densitometry and colodmetry, compared the results. 本文通过在不同种类的纸张上对不同墨层厚度的专色油墨进行密度测试,研究其可行性。
- RESS fifth imaging unit solution could be used for spot color, watermarks, glazing, local, MICR security business card printing and membership card making, and so on. RESS第五成像单元解决方案可进行专色、水印、上光、局部上光、MICR安全制卡和会员卡制作等。
- In some cases, you may need to combine both spot colors and process colors, which will require five or more ink plates. 在某些情况下,可能需要将专色和混色结合起来使用,这将需要五个或更多墨迹印板。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- In addition, it cannot be converted to CMYK, spot color, and in the final colors that use the GCR. 此外,它还能将专色转变为CMYK,并在最终的颜色上使用GCR。
- The teacher spotted a mistake in his home work. 老师在他的家庭作业中看出了一个错误。
- The supermarket rejected all spotted apples. 超级市场丢弃了所有的烂苹果。
- A spot color job requires a separate ink plate for every color, but you can get the look of multiple colors using only one or two inks. 专色作业要求每种颜色都有单独的墨迹印板,但您可以只使用一种或两种墨迹来获得多种颜色的外观效果。
- If you are only using one or two spot colors, other than black ink, this color model can be more economical than full color printing. 如果您只使用除黑色以外的一种或两种专色,则此颜色模式可以比全色打印更经济。