- spina tegminis 鼓室盖棘
- Bowel Dysfunction in Children with Spina Bifida. 先天性脊柱裂排便功能障碍病因分析及治疗体会
- Who is at Risk for having a Baby with Spina Bifida? 什么样的人是生育脊椎裂患儿的高风险人群?
- How Can Spina Bifida Be Prevented? 脊椎裂如何被预防.
- spinae tegminis [医] 鼓室盖棘
- Neither spina nasalis anterior nor fossa caninaare are developed. 不发达的鼻棘与犬齿窝;
- Spinal fusion does not improve QOL in spina bifida (Grade C recommendation). 脊柱融合不改善脊柱裂侧弯的生活治疗(C度推荐)。
- Aim:To study the operative method of neurogenic fecal incontinence in children with meningomyelocele and oc-culta spina bifida. 目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜彭出术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大便失禁的手术治疗方法。
- When Jean was born with spina bifida, doctors told her parents she would never walk. 珍妮天生就有脊柱裂,医生告诉她父母她不能步行!
- Abstract: Aim:To study the operative method of neurogenic fecal incontinence in children with meningomyelocele and oc-culta spina bifida. 文摘:目的:探讨小儿腰骶部脊髓脊膜彭出术后及隐性脊柱裂所致的神经源性大便失禁的手术治疗方法。
- Folic acid supplements are now recommended for pregnant women to prevent neural tube defects (spina bifida) in their children. 现在已建议孕妇补充叶酸以预防儿童出现神经管缺陷症(脊柱裂)。
- Objective To investigate the main features and experiences of surgical treatment of congenital spina bifida. 目的探讨先天性脊柱裂的手术特点及治疗经验。
- The morbidity of neural tube defects is 710‰,and the mobility of spina bifida accompanied with hydrocephaly is 94.12%. 神经管畸形围生儿死亡率为710‰,其中合并有脑积水的死亡率为9412%25。
- There are the phenomena of hypoplasia in the gastrocnemius MEP of the neonatal mouses with spina bifida manifesta. 显性脊柱裂仔鼠腓肠肌运动终板有发育不全现象。
- During defecatory maneuvers, 19 spina bifida patients(90.5%)exhibited pelvic floor dysfunction. 在行模拟排便动作时;19例(90.;5%25)患者表现为盆底功能紊乱型肛管压力变化。
- The highest of neural tube defects is spina bifida,then is anencephaly encephalocele,and so on. 发生率最高的神经管畸形是脊柱裂,其他依次为无脑畸形、脑膨出、小头畸形。
- Based on the findings on this sonogram, there will almost certainly be a spina bifida present. 根据图中所见,可以肯定有脊柱裂。
- Open lesion occur in early stage and are called spina bifida aperta or myelomeningocele. 开放性脊柱裂发生在胚胎发育的早期,又叫脊髓脊膜膨出。
- The main lesions were located in the meninges, brain parenchyma, brain ventricles, cerebral vascularity and spina. 尸检发现脑膜病变为主,脑实质、脑室、脑血管、脊髓均受累。
- Experts claim that such a moe would reduce the incidence of babies born with spina bifida and other conditions. 专家称,这将会减少婴儿脊柱裂和其他情况的发病机率。