- I am looking for my soul mate, I hope he loves me as I love him, and I will spend all my life to love him too. 我寻找我生命中的另一伴,我希望他是一个诚实,严肃,认真,爱我的男人。同样的,我也会用我的一生去爱他。
- I have spent all my life in this town. 我在这个镇上度过了一生。
- Spending all my life to search for love Love for me is oppressive. I suffered hurt, experienced passion, but nothing can last, why? 内心独白:爱情,对于我来说,是一个沉重的话题,曾经有过受伤,也有过激情,但总不得长久,到底是为什么?
- I have never heard such silly drivel in all my life. 我一生中从未听到过这样的蠢话。
- I've spoken English all my life. 我讲了一辈子英语啦。
- All my life I have tried to be an honest man. 我一生都想做一个诚实的人。
- I spent all my spare time reading poetry. 我所有的业余时间都用在诗歌阅读上。
- They always want to me to spend all my time on my lessons. 他们总是要我向我所有的时间花费在我的经验教训。
- Never in all my life have I heard such nonsense! 我这辈子从没听过这种废话!
- I've lived in this burg all my life. 他一辈子都住在这个镇上。
- spend all my life 度过一生
- I shall be grateful to you all my life. 我将一辈子感激你。
- I will spend all my time and energy probing into difficult math problems. 我要把精力放在探幽数学问题上。
- I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. 我生平是个利己的人,虽然只在实践而非原则上如此。
- All my life I encounter sacred subjects. 我一辈子碰到过许多神圣禁忌的东西。
- I have stayed in Beijing all my life. 我一生都住在北京。
- Why should I slave away all my life! 我为什么要辛辛苦苦地干一辈子呀!
- I've spent all my money already. 我已经把我的钱全都花完了。
- I have spoken English all my life. 我一生都讲英文。
- I've spent all my energy on this. 我对此事已呕尽心血.