- Selection of Good-quality and Special Usage Wheat Variety 沿江地区优质高产专用小麦品种的筛选
- special usage wheat variety 专用小麦
- Cultivate Technique of Bread Usage Wheat BAYOU No. 面包专用小麦巴优一号栽培技术。
- The national should support the forestation of shelterbelt using improved forest variety, and other forestation project with special usage. 国家对推广使用林木良种营造防护林、特种用途林给予扶持。
- Studies on Methods of Inducing wheat Anther callus and breeding of new wheat variety jimai42. 小麦花药愈伤组织诱导和新品种冀麦42号选育的研究。
- Sedimentation value could be used as the most important consideration to breeding instant noodle wheat variety. 沉淀值可作为小麦品种选育过程中预测方便面筋力的首选指标。
- There's one special usage of an operator in Java: the + operator can be used to concatenate strings,as you've already seen. 这个运算符在Java里有一项特殊用途:连接不同的字串。这一点已在前面的例子中展示过了。
- There’s one special usage of an operator in Java: the + operator can be used to concatenate strings, as you’ve already seen. 这个运算符在java里有一项特殊用途:连接不同的字串。这一点已在前面的例子中展示过了。
- Addition of triacylglycerides (shortenings) generally reduces the end-product volume, but there are exceptions depending on the wheat variety. 三酰基甘油的添加通常会减小终产品的体积,但小麦品种不同也有例外情况。
- There's one special usage of an operator in Java: the + operator can be used to concatenate strings, as you've already seen. 这个运算符在Java里有一项特殊用途:连接不同的字串。 这一点已在前面的例子中展示过了。
- Besides the same usage as the "SHI"-sentences in modern Chinese, most "SHI"-sentences in Linxia dialect have complex structure and special usage. 摘要临夏方言的“是”字句除与现代汉语“是”字句用法相同外,大部分“是”字句结构复杂,用法特殊。
- Jingmai 11 with weak gluten is a new wheat variety, that select high-quality no-irrigated farmland wheat variety that breed through artificial hybridization system one. 摘要弱筋小麦新品种靖麦11号是通过人工杂交系统选育成的优质旱地小麦品种。
- The Xinjiang released wheat variety and grown spring wheat was treated with different concentrations of Gibberelin, and its response to Gibberllic acid (GA3) was studied. 用不同浓度的赤霉素溶液对新疆育成的春小麦系列和目前大面积推广品种进行处理,研究其对赤霉素反应的敏感性。
- Negative transformation is a special usage in English.This essaydiscusses nine kinds of forms of negative transformation and the techniques of translating them into Chinese. 否定转移是英语句法特有的表达习惯。本文讨论了英语中九种常见的否定转移及英文汉泽的方法。
- Starting from linguistic facts,the article explains summarily the basic features of pronouns system of Quanzhou dialect,analyses and searchs the special usage of some pronouns. 本文从语言事实出发,概要说明泉州方言代词体系的基本面貌,分析、探讨了其中一些代词的特殊用法。
- On the susceptible wheat variety,the main factors of affecting the var-iaton of infection probability(IP)of powdery mildew(Erysiphe graminisf.sp,tritici) were the average air temperature(T)and relative humidity(RH). 在感病的小麦品种上影响白粉病菌(Ery siphe graminis f.;sp
- It was re commended that these wheat varietes shoud be planted and popularized relevantly in the relevant areas when the high quality wheat variety indusrial structure ad justing was developed. 因而建议本区在发展种植优质小麦的结构调整中,将上述品种在相应的生态区域内加以推广种植。
- The aim of this study is to explain the uniqueness of Dongpo's style by analyzing the metaphoric word meanings as well as character images in an attempt to explicate his special usage. 为了解释东坡风格的独特,本文拟就其用字的意象,进行语意的隐喻思维分析,试图从他用字的特别用法,做另一面相的解释。
- Wheat variety Kenguia 1 has been bred by the hybridization betweenwheat varieties Kenya 58 and Guinong 1, F_4 of which with wheat variety Atlas 66 has been hybrldized. 小麦品种肯贵阿1号由肯尼亚58与贵农1号杂交,F_4代再与Atlas66杂交而成。