- spatia suprasternale [医] 胸骨上隙
- In the analysis, space is in the place of time, and time series and maximum entropy spectral analysis is used to reveal spatia... 揭示土壤空间变异性目前广泛采用传统机理性方法、地质统计学理论。
- It is found the suprasternal space should be enclosed by the superficial layer of the deep cervical fasciae and the fasciae of the infrahyoid muscles, rather than the past opinion of the textbook. 得出胸骨上间隙应是由颈深筋膜浅层和舌骨下肌筋膜围成,而不同于以往教科书中描述的由颈深筋膜浅层分为两层附着于胸骨形成。
- Subcutaneous tissue of suprasternal notch 胸骨上切迹皮下组织
- spatia intervaginalia nervi optici 视神经鞘间隙
- spatia control of traditional courtyard 传统院落空间尺度
- suprasternal thoracic aortography 胸骨上(穿刺)胸主动脉造影(术)
- 3 Com parison of spatia l reso lu tion as a function ofdetector w idth. 图3闪烁晶体宽度对空间分辨率的影响 F ig.
- Applied Value of Suprasternal Echocardiographic View in Closure Therapy for Patent Ductus Arteriosus 胸骨上窝超声切面检查在动脉导管未闭封堵术中的应用价值
- suprasternal notch 胸骨上切迹
- spatia n. 隙;间隙
- spatia anguli iridis 丰塔纳氏间隙,虹膜角间隙
- Skin of suprasternal notch 胸骨上切迹皮肤
- suprasternal bones 胸骨上骨(解)Ossa suprasternalia{拉}
- spatia anguli iridocornealis 前房角隙,虹膜角间隙
- spatia intercostalia 肋间隙
- suprasternal fossae [医] 胸骨上窝, 颈静脉切迹(胸骨)
- suprasternal nerve [医] 锁骨上神经前支
- spatia interossea metatarsi 跖骨间隙
- spatia intervaginalia 鞘间隙