- south route in mine area 矿区南线
- Selection of the railway route in mining area 论矿区铁路选线
- Independent Coordinate System Establish Method in Mining Area. 矿区独立坐标系的建立方法。
- A Research on the Transportation plan of South Route in the Mine Railway 矿区铁路南线运输组织方案研究
- For centuries, the Danube was the greatest route in Europe. 几个世纪以来,多瑙河是欧洲最伟大的路线。
- This product is suitable for dynamic force lead-in circuits in mining enterprises and power circuits in mining area. 本产品适用于煤矿企业动力引入及矿区的电力线路中。
- With the mining of deposits,the environmental quality of ground water is influenced relevantly in mining area. 矿床开采过程中,矿区的地下水环境质量受到相应的影响。
- Coal gangue can be used as pavement base course materials of the roads in mining area. 在矿区道路建设中,煤矸石可以做路面基层材料使用。
- Land reclamation is an important measure for the sustainable usage of land resources in mining area. 土地复垦是保证矿区土地资源可持续利用的重要途径之一。
- They marched the route in a day. 他们在一天内走完了全程
- We must be clear about the route in the labyrinth. 这迷宫里头的路线可得弄明白。
- The fully mechanized caving coal mining under the railway in mine area will result in difficult maintenance of railway because of great deformation and subsidence speed of terrene and railway. 在矿区铁路下进行放顶煤开采所引起的地表及铁路的变形量大,变形速度快,从而导致矿区铁路维护困难。
- It all began with a paper route in Ankeny, IA. 一切是从我在艾奥瓦州安克尼市送报纸时开始的。
- It describes the meaning and functions for studying the topography and relief and their development in mining area to its land reclamation. 概括了矿山开采对矿区地形地貌的破坏形式,阐述了研究矿区的地形地貌及演变在土地复垦工作中的意义和作用。
- This technology is valuable for solving the wastewater pollution and water supplying shortage in mining area,it has a wide exploiting prospect. 矿井水循环利用有利于解决我国矿区水污染与水资源短缺问题,具有广阔的应用前景。
- The SO2 monitoring relative accuracy cause in mining area was analyzed. This relative accuracy eliminated and decrement method was discussed. 摘要对矿区二氧化硫监测时引起误差的原因进行了分析,并就如何消除和减少这些误差进行了阐述。
- He resigned after his party was route in the election. 他所在的那个党在选举中遭到惨败,他随之辞职了。
- The tiny hand clasped in mine relaxed its grip. 握在我手里的那只小手慢慢地松开了。
- A response model is put forward to explain the anthropogenic disturbances and equilibrium responses of the geo-environment in mining area. 在讨论地质环境系统对矿业活动扰动响应和平衡响应的基础上,建立了人为扰动与平衡对矿山地质环境的响应模式。
- Coal workings line the route in this hilly, washed out section. 煤矿内巷道位于这个多坡的被水冲蚀地区的道路两旁。