- sorting control field 分类控制字段
- The search requires a sort control. 搜索要求SORT控制。
- Gets or sets the style of the footer of the data control field. 获取或设置数据控件字段脚注的样式。
- Gets or sets the style of the header of the data control field. 获取或设置数据控件字段标头的样式。
- Performs basic instance initialization for a data control field. 为数据控件字段执行基础实例初始化。
- A data-bound control field that displays at least one button. 一个数据绑定控件字段,显示至少一个按钮。
- The control field is a certain district in the lanes. 交通流中的控制域是车道中某一个确定的区域。
- In IBM System / 32, a type of sort that arranges records by a specified control field and includes other specified data fields in the output. 在IBM system/32中,一种排序的类型,按指定的控制字段排列记录,并在输出中包括其它指定数据字段。
- When the report renders, a sort control button appears on the column heading, and the report reader can click the button to sort the data. 报表呈现时,列标题上将显示排序控件按钮,报表读者可以单击此按钮对数据进行排序。
- Control displays its data control fields as rows. 控件将其数据控件字段显示为行。
- Gets the style of any text-based content displayed by a data control field. 获取由数据控件字段显示的任何基于文本的内容的样式。
- The Transport Control field in the IPX header holds what information? IPX报头中的传输控制字段保留何种信息)?
- A footer item is not rendered for these data control fields. 对于这些数据控件字段将不呈现脚注项。
- The LAPD Flag and Control fields are identical to those of HDLC. 进公司快一个月了,每天都在培训中,每天也就有作业做。
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether the header item of a data control field is rendered. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示是否呈现数据控件字段的标题项。
- Gets or sets the URL of an image that is displayed in the header item of a data control field. 获取或设置数据控件字段的标题项中显示的图像的URL。
- Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the header item of a data control field. 获取或设置数据控件字段的标题项中显示的文本。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- The following table lists the different data control field classes and how they are used. 下表列出了不同的数据控件字段类以及它们的使用方法。
- Meanwhile, commercial Ethernet based on TCP/IP protocol has permeated through the industry control field gradually. 同时,基于TCP/IP协议的商用以太网技术逐渐渗透到了工业控制领域。