- The ancient Egyptian sun god,the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus. 太阳神,古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔。
- The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus. 太阳神古埃及的太阳神,是最高神祗,被描绘为一鹰头男子,冠以一太阳圆盘和蛇盔
- Along with a silhouette of the innermost planet, a network of cells and dark filaments can be seen against a bright solar disk with spicules and prominences along the Sun's edge. 与最靠内的行星暗影一起,太阳表面的气囊和黑暗丝状体组成的网状结构与具有针状物和边缘日珥的明亮太阳盘面形成鲜明对比。
- But along a track extending across the Indian Ocean and western Indonesia the eclipse became annular, the solar disk briefly appearing as a fiery ring around the silhouetted Moon. 但是在穿过印度洋和印度尼西亚西部的环食带沿线,这场日食就变成了日环食,食甚前后的短暂时间里,日盘会包围在月球剪影的周围,看上去像是一个火焰环。
- In this pater, the morphology, ares, sunspot number and produced different events of a gyrotion sunspot group (AR6818, AR6850, AR6891, AR6932)(Boulder) during visible solar disk in 1991 are statistically analysed and discussed. 本文对1991年中的一个回转群Boulder编号6818,6850,6891,6932活动区(AR6818,AR6850,AR6891,AR6932)的形态,面积,黑子数及在可见日面期间所产生的各种事件进行统计分析及讨论。
- LASCO uses an occulting disk, partially visible at the lower right, to block out the otherwise overwhelming solar disk allowing it to image the inner 5 million miles of the relatively faint corona. LASCO使用隐秘的圆盘镜片(右下角可见一部分),尽管阻碍了其他绝大多数的太阳盘面形象,却也使得它拍摄到了相对昏暗的日冕向内约500万英里的图像。
- A Bright Mass Ejection On the Solar Disk on 1980 October 14 1980年10月14日太阳视圆面上的明亮物质抛射
- In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- Solar energy is a new kind of source of energy. 太阳能是一种新型能源。
- The computer disk is sent in a sealed container. 计算机软盘装在密封的盒里寄出。
- I have no disk that may interest you. 我没有一张唱片能引起你的兴趣。
- We can use solar energy to do many things today. 如今,我们可以利用太阳能做很多事情。
- There are several sectors unusable in this disk. 这张磁盘有几个扇区坏了。
- They accurately predicted solar eclipses. 他们精确地预告了日蚀。
- The solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago. 太阳系是四十五亿年前形成的。
- Have you recorded the data in disk? 你已把那些数据存储到磁盘上了吗?
- He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演。
- You can't copy your file with this disk; it's full. 你不能用这张磁盘拷文件,这张盘满了。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型