- soil chromatographic column 土壤色谱柱
- Method:the chromatographic column of Phenomenex LUNA C_(18) was used. 方法:色谱柱:Phenomenex LUNA;
- A new stationary phase which contains Pd for chromatographic column was afforded to analyze the helium component, with TCD gas chromatography method. 针对上述问题,研制了一种新的色谱柱固定相,用于色谱法分析氢中氦组分。
- You place the fraction collected in on a cation-exchange chromatographic column. 你把(e)步中收集到的组分进行阳离子交换。
- The affinity chromatographic column which contained organic mercury was applied to absord GSH from the extrait. 将对氨基苯汞乙酸连接到聚苯乙烯 -二乙烯基苯载体上 ,形成含有机汞的化学亲和树脂 ,用于吸附上述抽提液中的 GSH。
- The chromatographic column was Atlantis C_(18). Mobile phase was a mixture of methanol-water and acetate buffer. 色谱拄为Atlantis C18柱;流动相由甲醇、水和乙酸钠缓冲液(pH 4.;6)组成;采用梯度洗脱程序;
- Tangential flow membrane chromatographic column is a new model of immunoadsorption therapy from blood. 切流膜色谱柱是免疫吸附治疗中实现全血灌流的一种新的模式。
- Problem of using ECD detectors with its corresponding chromatographic column is studied in the determination o... 利用本技术测定废水、环境气体中的痕量全氟异丁烯得到了满意的效果。
- A quantitation analysis method for the benzonic acid,salicylic acid in mixture by a chromatographic column of 2504. 用高效液相色谱法测定苯甲酸、水杨酸和三唑酮,相对偏差均小于1。
- Thrombin was further purified with CM ion-exchange liquid chromatographic column. 凝血酶经cm离子交换液相层析柱进一步纯化。
- The designing of chromatographic columns switch system control so. 本文介绍了色谱柱切换系统控制软件的主要功能以及软件系统的设计。
- Sal-gel column is a new-type of chromatographic column with high temperatures tolerance, excellent separation and repeatability. 摘要溶胶-凝胶柱是一种新型色谱柱,具有耐高温、分离效果佳、重现性好、制作工艺简单等特点。
- The determination method of ethylene chlorohydrin content by u sing FID chromatograph polyethylene glycol 20M chromatographic column was introd uced. 介绍了采用FID的色谱仪聚乙二醇20M色谱柱对氯乙醇的定量测定方法。
- A external method is developed for determination of fenobucarb and impurity by HPLC with reversed chromatographic column and UV absorbance detector. 采用高效液相色谱法,使用反相色谱柱和紫外检测器,用外标法对仲丁威原药的有效成分及主要杂质进行定量分析。
- Decreasing the consumption of the advection pump, to decrease the pressure, to prolong the using time of the ion chromatographic column was discussed. 摘要通过适当降低往复平流泵的流量,来降低柱压,从而达到延长使用色谱柱的目的。
- A new stationary phase which contains Pd for chromatographic column was afforded to analyze the helium component,with TCD gas chromatography method. 针对上述问题,研制了一种新的色谱柱固定相,用于色谱法分析氢中氦组分。
- In this paper,we treat the preparation of chromatographic column and operation conditions of chromatogram, and analyses Gas of Multi-halide SF?6 etc by GC,ECD. 采用气相色谱仪、电子捕获检测器(ECD),对SF6等多卤化合物气体进行了分析,考察了色谱柱制备、色谱分析条件等。
- The adsorption and elution of metal elements included in high level radioactive liquid waste on PAIV levextrel chromatographic column were investagated. 研究了高放废液中金属元素在PAIV(酰胺荚醚)萃淋树脂色层柱上的吸附及淋洗性能。
- Samples were extracted with acetone, purified by liquid-liquid partition and florisil chromatographic column, and washed by acetone-petroleum ether(1/3,V/V). 采用丙酮提取, 二氯甲烷液液分配萃取,弗罗里硅土+活性炭混和吸附剂进行净化,用丙酮/石油醚 (1/3,V/V)进行洗脱,浓缩定容,用气相色谱进行测定。
- Comparing with two commonly protein ren aturation techniques, renaturation on the chromatographic column shows to be mor e superior in speed, recovery and easy to be scaled-up. 在此基础上,对重组链激酶的三种复性方式进行了比较。实验证明,柱上复性快速,高效(回收率达90%25以上),易放大,适用于链激酶生产。