- In addition, the government plans to set up a social fund to spend Petrosal's billions. 另外,巴西政府计划成立一项社会基金,运用Petrosal公司的数十亿美元收益推动公益事业。
- The social fund was set up to help needy people, many of them elderly or disabled, meet the costs of items such as cookers, cots and funerals. 设立社会基金是为了帮助那些有需要的人们,他们多数为老人或残疾,解决他们的物品开销,例如炊具、房屋和葬礼。
- Some commercial banks debuted "public entrusted loan schemes" by intermediating funds between the social fund and the project of urban construction. 部分商业银行开始牵头集合委托贷款项目,充当社会资金和城建项目的融资中介。
- The whole social insurance shall be paid to the municipal social funds administration center for unified management and special deposit. 社会保险全部向市社会基金管理中心申报缴纳,统一管理,专户存储。
- With the full support of local governments, the industry has attracted a large number of social funds, the fire would not have been impracticable. 有了地方政府的全力支持,这个行业吸引了众多的社会资金,想不火都不行了。
- Funds shall be withdrawn from the enterprises under restriction and shall be channelled into the more successful enterprises to speed up the circulation of social funds. 要从限制的产业中抽回资金,投入到支持的产业中去,促进社会资金的良性循环。
- Because credit is the main channel for the distribution of social resources, it is said that the plethora of social funds in the real estate industry use. 由于信贷是社会资金分配的主渠道,所以有理由说,社会把过多的资金用在了房地产行业上。
- Therefore, as a new phenomenon, the Division of the Proprietary Right and Operation (DPO) gives us a good chance to achieve the linkup between the tourism resources and social funds. 因此,从20世纪90年代开始的旅游资源两权分离的产权运作改革,作为一项产权制度创新,实现了社会资本和旅游资源的有效对接,为我国旅游业的发展注入了一股新的活力。
- The rule is for absorbing more social funds, fetching in the advanced technology, equipment, promoting the adjustment of the industry structure, and encouraging foreign investors to set up enterprise in our zone. 第一条:为了扩大吸收社会资金,鼓励引进先进技术、设备,促进产业结构调整,鼓励国内外投资者来我区投资创办企业,特制定本规定。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- Her social life get in the way of her study. 她的社交生活妨碍了学业。
- Mrs Brown is known as a social climber. 布朗太太是有名的趋炎附势的人。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- National Council for Social Security Fund P.R.C. 全国社保基金理事会。
- He didn't want to be tied down to the social work. 他不想被束缚在社会工作上。
- He get weekly social security payment. 他按周领取社会保险金。
- The newspapers played up sensational social news. 各报大肆渲染耸人听闻的社会新闻。
- Correct ideas come from social practice. 正确的思想来自社会实践。
- Inequalities in wealth cause social unrest. 贫富不均可造成社会动荡。
- He is a person of important social status. 他是一个有重要社会地位的人。