- social administrative mode 社会治理模式
- With logout and logon as different user you will get into administrative mode. 进入管理模式后,不同的操作员可以登陆和退出。
- Users must give explicit permission to elevate to administrative mode and enter administrative credentials. 用户必须提供提升到管理员模式的明确许可并输入管理员凭证。
- Thirdly, the conceptual model of map database and administrative mode of map complex object are designed. 第三,设计了地图数据库的概念模型和地图复杂对象管理模式;
- The fiscal administrative mode of under-provincial is autonomy one, and is interceded by central government. 我国省以下财政管理体制实行的是自治模式,由中央政府来协调中央、省和省以下地方政府的关系。
- The administrative mode of Hankou government experienced a course to be sleeked, tested, corrected and fixed step by step. 民国政府对文化娱乐业的管理经历了一个由探索、试验、修正和逐步定型的过程。
- The clansmen are traditionally the main power in the social administration. 摘要宗族是我国传统社会乡村治理的主要力量。
- Credit system is more reasonable and scientific teaching administrative mode than academic year system, and has realistic significant for higher vocational education. 摘要学分制是比学年制更合理、更科学的一种教学管理模式,对高等职业教育具有现实意义。
- From the deeply-digging and low-weir in the past to almost no-digging in the present, the essential change of the administration mode of Dujiangyan has important social and economic values. 摘要都江堰的运行模式从“深淘滩、低作堰”的古制到现在基本不淘淤,其根本改变具有重要的社会和经济效益。
- Lao Zi's ideas about "not contending" are the basic principle of his theories of social administration. 摘要老子关子“不争”的思想是他社会治理的根本原则。
- This article mainly introduces market motivity, constructive environment, administrative system, administrative mode, and administrative methods in medical service of private hospitals in Singapore. 介绍了新加坡私立医院医疗服务的市场动力、建设环境、管理体制、管理模式以及管理方法。
- We must improve the government functions of economic regulation, market supervision, social administration and public services, and reduce and standardize administrative procedures for examination and approval. 完善政府的经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务的职能,减少和规范行政审批。
- Under the possessive system, politics is dual-natured, which is both the representative of certain interest groups and the official power for social administration. 在占有制度下,政治既是某部分利益集团的代表,又是社会管理的公务力量,具有双重性质。
- Cultural administration takes the administrative mode of keeping people as the pivot, elaborating the leading role of the spirit and culture of university in administration. 文化管理是以人为中心的管理模式,注重发挥大学精神和大学文化在管理中的主导作用。
- This thesis points out that the interposing of insurance mechanism in SLSS will fully give play to the function of social administration and implement SLSS successfully. 而将保险机制引入国家助学贷款管理,可以充分发挥保险的社会管理功能,从而实现国家助学贷款的顺利实施。
- Use the "Administrator Mode" button below to start this print management tool with administrator privileges. 请使用下面的“管理员模式”按钮用管理员权限启动本打印管理工具。
- Community autonomy is a form of grassroot social administration and a way of self-anagement, self-education and self-service for the public polioy execution in its area. 社区自治是基层社会治理的一种形式,是对社区范围内公共政策执行工作实行自我管理、自我教育和自我服务。
- We must improve the government functions of economic regulation,market supervision,social administration and public services,and reduce and standardize administrative procedures for examination and approval. 完善政府的经济调节、市场监管、社会管理和公共服务的职能,减少和规范行政审批。
- Limited price charge for single disease is one kind of hospital administration mode,it means limit the cost for one single disease patients. 单病种限价收费是医院经营的一种管理模式,是指在临床诊疗收费中,对单一病种病人限定最高费用的做法,是医院的一种自发行为。
- The reform of socializing administrative power and privatizing public services urgently need to emphasize legislation and research of administrative delegation. 摘要行政权力社会化、公共服务民营化改革迫切需要加强行政授权的立法和研究。