- Great trees soar above to cut out most of the light. 大树参天,把光线差不多都挡住了。
- Air pollution will soon soar above safety levels. 空气污染会很快突破安全标准。
- Thus we can soar above the storm like the eagles. 这样我们就能像鹰一样翱翔于风暴之上。
- Great tree soar above to cut out most of the light. 大树参天,把光线差不多都挡住了。
- Skyscrapers soar above the horizon. 摩天大楼拔地而起高耸入云。
- To soar above the undulating palm fronds? 翱翔在波澜起伏的棕榈树叶?
- The glider was soaring above the valley. 那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。
- A skylark soars above the clouds. 一只云雀在云上翱翔。
- Seeking light and air, and endowed with more strength than man or his works, they soar above the lower deposit. 享受着阳光和空气,比人类和人类造的房屋更有生气和力量。它们昂首向上。
- The incident might also cause the price of oil to soar above $50 a barrel and stay there for some months. 这一事件也许会使石油价格猛升至50多美元一桶,而后一直持续几个月。
- Our potential is breathtaking - like the Petronas Towers that soar above this great city of Kuala Lumpur. 我们的发展潜力,就像矗立在吉隆坡这个杰出城市的PetronasTowers一样,教人看得凝神屏息,叹为观止。
- Conversation on such an occasion is not expected to soar above polite commonplaces. 不能指望在这种场合的谈话会超越平常的客套。
- A lonecondor soared above the Andean peaks. 一只孤独无伴的大秃鹫翱翔在安第斯山峰的上空。
- The condor soars above the mountain heights. 禿鹰翱翔于高山之上。
- The lamp tower soars above the horizon. 这座灯塔高耸入云。
- The incident might also cause the pirce of oil to soar above $50 a barrel and stay there for some months. 这一事件也许会使石油价格猛升至50多美元一桶,而后一直持续几个月。
- With expanded wings, the hawk soared above us. 鹰展开翅膀,飞到了我们的上方。
- Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes. 原谅和遗忘。恶意只会摧垮你,并激起不快和痛苦。克制它,记住人人都犯错误。
- We can enable us to ride the winds of the storm that bring sickness, pain, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives. We can soar above the storm.. 我们能够笑看暴风雨给我们生活中带来的疾病、疼痛、悲剧、失败和沮丧。让我们在暴风雨中自由翱翔吧!
- To all those drivers who still dream of being able to soar above the traffic: get a pilot's licence. Better still, learn to fly a helicopter. Otherwise, dream on... 致那些仍梦想着在地面交通上方翱翔的司机们:考张飞机驾驶执照吧。学会驾驶直升飞机就更好了。否则,继续梦想吧