- It's because of money that capitalists are building factories where there used to be paddy fields. The smoke from factory chimneys blots out the sky and pollutes the beauties of nature. 因为了金钱,资本家在田园里造起工厂来,黑烟蔽天,损坏了美丽的大自然;
- smoke from factory chimneys 工厂烟囱冒出的烟
- It is the smoke from factories that is ruining our air. 正在污染我们空气的乃是由工厂所排出的烟尘。
- Smoke rose from the factory chimneys. 烟从工厂的烟囱冒出。
- The factory chimneys poured smoke into the air. 工厂的烟囱向空中排烟。
- Air pollution comes from factories, power stations and cars. Chemicals in the smoke from power stations cause a lot of damage. 空气污染来自工厂,电站和汽车。电站发出的烟雾中所含的化学物质造成了很大的破坏。
- The factory chimneys vomited smoke. 工厂的烟囱冒着烟。
- Factory chimneys foul the air with smoke. 工厂烟囱的烟尘污染了空气。
- The environment has been getting worse and worse for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard,meanwhile the environment has been polluted.Smoke from factory chimneys pollutes the air. 很多年以来;环境日益恶化.;我们在提高生活水平的同时;也在导致环境污染
- Emission of smoke from chimneys is an offense. 在这里排放烟雾是违法的事情。
- The environment has been getting worse and worse for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard,meanwhile the envirinment has been polluted.Smoke from factory chimneys pollutes the air. 很多年以来;环境日益恶化.;我们在提高生活水平的同时;也在导致环境污染
- Smoke from the chimneys rose against the dark sky. 烟从烟囱里飘向阴暗的天空。
- The factory chimneys puff dense smoke into the air. 工厂的烟囱向空中喷吐着浓烟。
- Can you see volumes of smoke pouring from the factory chimney? 你看到大团大团的烟正从工厂的烟囱涌出来吗?
- Factory chimneys are vomiting smoke . 工厂烟囱大量喷烟。
- The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky. 烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。
- The factory chimneys vomited (out) smoke (all day). 工厂的烟囱(整天)冒着烟。
- The factory chimneys puffed dense smoke. 工厂的烟囱吐出浓烟。
- The smoke from his pipe twisted upward. 从他烟斗冒出来的烟盘旋上升。
- Most of the factories are still spewing out black smoke from their chimneys. 大部分工厂的烟囱还在冒黑烟。