- The country is short of skilled labor. 这个国家缺乏熟练工人。
- Skilled labor is badly needed in this company. 这家公司急需技术工人。
- Is skilled labor easily available? 熟练劳动力容易获得吗?
- We are short of skilled labor. 我们缺少技术工人。
- The unskilled and skilled labor and managers available to you to use to prepare for and run an event. 在筹备和举办活动时可供你支配的熟练,非熟练劳动力和经管理人员。
- The rattan industry has become more mechanized, but skilled labor is still an important ingredient. 做藤虽然已半机械化,不过技巧娴熟的人工仍然很重要。
- These ANNs can augment or replace skilled labor, making it possible for fewer people to do more work. 这些ANN能增强或代替熟练技工,使用较少的人完成更多的工作成为可能。
- Hitler allocated more steel to the building of submarines and exempted from military service the skilled labor needed to construct the vessels. 希特勒将更多的钢材用来建造潜艇,从军队服役的有经验的劳动力中挑选人才来扩编船只。
- The availability of management time, skilled labor, or even other capital equipment often constitutes an important constraint on a company's growth. 管理层的时间、技术劳工或甚至其他资本设备的可供给性常对公司的增长组成一个重要的约束。
- Negotiating strengths are derived from the ability to offer markets, financial compensation, skilled labor or intangible assets, such as intellectual property or know-how. 谈判力量来自向市场提供经济补偿、熟练劳动力或知识产权或技术诀窍等无形资产的能力。
- Urbanization, in turn, spurred growth, not only by providing a home for industry and innovation but also by prompting greater investment in a healthy and skilled labor force. 都市化又刺激了经济成长,不但提供了工业和技术创新的环境,同时也促使企业投入更多资金来建立健康而高技能的劳动力。
- The emergence of cheap, skilled labor in India and other countries during the 1990s changed that, Banerjee says, because these workers could collect the data inexpensively. 巴纳吉说,1990年代,印度及其他地方开始出现较低廉且能力强的劳工,使上述情况有了转变,因为这些工作者能以较低的酬劳蒐集资讯。
- Some of that is likely due to the chronic shortages of technically skilled labor that plant managers around the world complain about cheap eve online isk. 部分原因可能是让全球工厂厂长们抱怨不已的熟练技术工人的长期不足。
- Employment experts fear the lack of communication could create a shortage of US skilled labor because retiring baby boomers aren\t passing on their knowledge and experience. 就业专家担心,年轻员工与年长员工之间缺乏交流会导致熟练劳动力的短缺,因为将要退休的“婴儿潮一代”无法将他们在工作中积累的经验和知识传授给年轻员工。
- Despite being in an initially unfavorable position as regards availability of capital, cheap and skilled labor, sails and iron fittings, the American shipbuilding industry forged ahead. 尽管美国造船业开始处于不利地位,资金困难,熟练而廉价的劳动力短缺,帆和铁制配件不足,但它还是有进展。
- The expense of household service and skilled labor, such as painting and carpentry, and the tradition of working with one's hands have contributed to keeping alive the spirit "do it yourself ". 由于家务服务和技术劳动;象油漆工和木工的费用很贵;很用自己的手劳动的传统;使"自己动手"的精神得以延续.
- The expense of household service and of skilled labor, such as painting and carpentry, and the tradition of working with one's hands have contributed to keeping alive the spirit of “do-it-yourself”. 由于请人做家务或干诸如油漆和木工这样的技术活费用很贵,加上美国人有自己动手干活的传统,这两者促成了“自己动手”的精神长存不衰。
- Summery: With the rapid development, market economy demands large numbers of high quality skilled laborers. 摘要:市场经济的高速发展,呼唤大批高素质技能型劳动者。
- He is very skilled at pivoting on his heel. 他能非常熟练地以脚跟旋转。
- Furthermore, American economist Donald B. Keesing explained "Leontief Paradox" by the difference of all kinds of labor, which was known as Skill Labor Theory or Human Skill Theory. 美国经济学家基辛(Donald B.;Keesing)用劳动熟练的差异来解释“里昂惕夫之谜”;形成了所谓的劳动熟练说(Skill Labor Theory);又称人类技能说(Human Skill Theory)和劳动效率说。