- A single lens in a pair of glasses; a monocle. 单片眼镜一对眼镜片中的一个单透镜;单片眼镜
- A single lens in a pair of glasses;a monocle. 单片眼镜一对眼镜片中的一个单透镜;单片眼镜
- A small simple eye, found in many invertebrates, usually consisting of a few sensory cells and a single lens. 单眼小而简单的眼,出现于多种无脊椎动物,通常含有一些感官细脆和单一眼睛水晶体
- A digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) system comprising two CCD cameras and a single lens has been developed. 研制了双CCD单镜头DPIV系统,用于测试二维流场;
- Vistakon ---and its parent , J& J ---were willing to incur high manufacturing and inventory costs before a single lens was sold . 卫康公司和母公司强生公司在一副隐形眼镜尚未卖出之前甘愿承受高额生产和库存费用。
- Photos taken by DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) cameras can not compete in amateur category. Photos taken by other types of cameras or cell phones can compete in any category. 单反相机作品不能参加业余组比赛,但可以参加其余组比赛,其他相机或手机作品任意类别都可参赛。
- A spokesman at Canon, the world's largest digital camera maker, said it would consider whether it needs to continue developing both compact and single lens reflex (SLR) film models because the markets for both are shrinking. 世界最大的数码相机制造者佳能的发言人说:在胶片紧凑相机和胶片单反相机市场迅速萎缩的情况下,公司考虑是否还要继续投入开发。
- Cooperating with Physics Department of Edinburgh University,the authors developed and finished PIV system comprising a single lens and 2-CCD with the algorithm of cross-correlation. The system has been used in many scientific research projects. 作者在与爱丁堡大学物理系合作的基础上 ,利用互相关分析方法 ,完成和完善了单镜头、双CCD的PIV系统 ,并已成功地应用在重点实验室的二维流速测量中
- Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera 数码单镜头反光相机
- digital single lens reflex camera DSLR 数码单反照相机
- Coke has a variety of fixed, zoom, telephoto, short focal, manual iris, fixed aperture, auto aperture, the electric aperture, special lenses and single lens version of machines in small series. 有各种定焦、变焦、长焦、短焦,手动光圈、固定光圈 、自动光圈、电动光圈,特种镜头和单版机小镜头系列。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- Imaging Mechanism of Digital Single Lens Reflex Cameras 数码单反相机的成像原理
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。
- Hemispherical displays use single lens and digital projector 使用单透镜和数字投影仪的半球显示器
- The bridge crosses the river in a single span. 河上那座桥是单跨桥。
- Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?
- The Next Generation Disc Systen with High NA Single Lens 采用高NA单镜的下一代光盘系统
- Is the material single width or double width? 这幅料子是单幅的还是双幅的?