- With its traditional roof and simple cubic shape, it fits seemlessly into the typology of the neigborhood. 传统的屋顶和简单的立方体形式,使它符合类型学,不动声色地融入周边环境中。
- Abstract Recoilless fractions of simple cubic monatomic nanocrystalline particles are calcula ted by using displacement displacement Green's function. 摘要 应用位移 位移格林函数计算了简立方单原子纳米晶体颗粒的无反冲分数。
- Abstract The formula of the second order Doppler shift of simple cubic monatomic nanocrystalline particle is reduced by means of the Green's function. 摘要 应用格林函数理论 ,推导了简立方单原子纳米晶体颗粒的二次多普勒移动公式。
- Recoilless fractions of simple cubic monatomic nanocrystalline particles are calcula ted by using displacement displacement Green's function. 应用位移位移格林函数计算了简立方单原子纳米晶体颗粒的无反冲分数。
- Making use of Tight-binding approximation,plotting isoenergic sur face about S state electron of simple cubic lattice in first Brillouin zone in M ATLAB soft. 利用紧束缚近似方法;在数学软件MATLAB中绘制简立方晶格S态电子在第一布里渊区的等能面.
- The magnetic properties of the transverse Ising model with coordination number 6 (simple cubic lattice) and 4 (square lattice) are studied by using Bethe-Peierls approximation. 利用Bethe Peierls近似;研究了配位数为6(简立方)和 4(平面正方)晶格上的横向自旋 1/2的 Ising模型的磁学性质.
- An attempt is made to calculate themal conductivity of mixtures by combining the modified Enskog theory (MET) with the simple cubic Peng Robinson (PR) equation of state. 利用PR状态方程结合修正的Enskog理论计算了氮烃类多元混合工质的热导率。
- Making use of Tight-binding approximation, plotting isoenergic surface about S state electron of simple cubic lattice in first Brillouin zone in MATLAB soft. 摘要利用紧束缚近似方法,在数学软件MATLAB中绘制简立方晶格S态电子在第一布里渊区的等能面。
- This paper discusses the critical behaviors and magnetic properties of the spin-1 bond and crystal field dilution Blume-Emery-Griffiths (BEG) model on simple cubic lattice within the framework of effective field theory (EFT). 本文在有效场理论的框架内,基于简立方晶格讨论了自旋为1的键和晶场稀疏Blume-Emery-Griffiths(BEG)模型的临界行为和磁学性质。
- Relations between effective magnetic permeability of body-centered cubic,face-centered cubic and simple cubic lattices of conducting spheres and ratio of magnetic permeability,frequency are studied. 用迭代方法研究了磁流变体中体心立方结构、面心立方结构及简立方结构3种立方格子导电球的有效磁导率与磁导率比、趋肤深度及频率的依赖关系。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Distribution of the Root of Simple Cubic Equation in Real Modulus 实系数一元三次方程实根的分布
- The Distribution of the Root of the Simple Cubic Equation 一元三次方程根的分布
- Small savoury biscuits provide a simple appetizer. 可口的小饼乾就是简单的开胃品。
- A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer. 计算尺是简单的模拟计算机。
- I like my clothes to be simple but elegant. 我喜欢朴素但漂亮雅致的衣服。
- I think this problem is very simple and clear cut. 我认为这个问题非常简单明白。
- My father was a simple farm-worker. 我父亲是个普通的农民。
- Two from five is a simple subtraction. 五减二是简单的减法。
- They are just simple country folk. 他们只不过是普通的村民。