- Rise in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. 在白发的人面前,你要站起来,也要尊敬老人,又要敬畏你的神。我是耶和华。
- An interval of silence shows respect for the dead . 片刻默哀向死者致敬。
- Maybe you're right. But I think they should show respect for the employees. 也许是吧,但是我认为对雇员应该表现出尊重才对。
- An interval of silence shows respect for the dead. 片刻默哀向死者致敬。
- show respect for the aged 敬老
- Children should show respect for their teachers. 学生要尊敬老师。
- I want to show my respect for the great hero. 我想瞻仰一下这位大英雄。
- He spent his last years in a home for the aged. 他最後的几年是在养老院度过的。
- Show the proper respect for the location, please. 请尊重这一景点的环境。
- China's rural areas have about 40,000 homes of respect for the aged,housing altogether 560,000 old people. 全国农村敬老院有近4万所,56万老年人在院内安度晚年。
- The Yemeni government said it was instituting the ceasefire to show respect for the Islamic holiday of Eid which begins on Sunday. 也门政府称,他们建议停火,以表达对周日开始的伊斯兰斋月节的尊敬。
- Get on your feet and show respect for your visitor. 见到来客要立即起立致意。
- Affection means care and respect for the aged people as well as communication with the aged people. “情”,是指对对方的关怀爱护和对其人格的尊重,双方情感上的交流与沟通。
- We have been told to show respect for our elder. 父母教导我们必须尊敬长辈。
- You should show respect for your elders. 你应该尊敬你的长辈。
- Greffier says: "Press a regulation, home of respect for the aged closes only commonly without without female old person. 登记员说:“按规定,敬老院一般只收无儿无女的老人。
- You should show respect for your teachers. 你应该尊敬老师。
- China is now in the process of establishing a five-guarantee system by combining collective support,state relief and the construction of homes of respect for the aged. 中国正在建立集体供养、国家救济、兴办敬老院相结合的“五保”供养保障体系。
- Children should show respect for old people. 孩子们应当尊敬老人。
- We show respect for the dignity of the individual. And in the process, we value and champion our human differences. This helps us maintain the diversity of our workforce. 我们尊重个人。在工作中,我们尊重并维护个人之间的差异。这帮助我们保持了团队的多样性。