- sheep kidney on toast 羊腰土司
- We breakfasted on toast and coffee. 我们用的早餐是烤面包片和咖啡。
- Could I have a fried egg on toast? 我想吃面包夹煎蛋。
- She prepared a snack with some cheese on toast. 她在把奶酪放到烤面包片上做成点心。
- Animal studies indicated that Astragalus could protect the kidney on IRI. 动物实验研究表明,黄芪在IRI时对肾脏具有保护作用。
- B: OK, bacon and scrambled eggs. You prefer muffins on toast with butter? 乙:好的,咸肉炒蛋,您喜欢要松饼还是牛油烤面包片?
- The tissue slice of sheep kidney in conjugation with ammonia gas sensing probes yields a sheep kidney tissue based membrane electrode with a high selectivity for D-amino acids. 将羊肾切片组织配合氨气敏电极可制成对D-氨基酸具有高选择性的羊肾组织膜电极。
- When you have more time, why not have a poached egg and mushrooms on toast? 如果你有很多时间,那为什么不吃一个荷包蛋加一片蘑菇吐司面包呢?
- The curing rate of compound Chinese medicine for reinforcing kidney on anovulatory sterility patients was 40%. 补肾中药复方对无排卵型不孕的治愈率为40%25。
- Breakfast in the dining room consisted of stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast (PS3). 第二天在餐厅的早餐是发霉的玉米片和冷的罐头马铃薯夹吐司(《哈利波特与魔法石》第三章)。
- He spread some strawberry jam on his toast. 他把草莓酱涂在烤面包片上。
- Many of the cysts are elongated and radially arranged from the center of the kidney on the right, much like spokes on a wagon wheel. 一些肾囊肿被拉长,而且有的囊肿以右侧肾为中心呈放射状排列,像四轮马车车轮的轮辐一样。
- He put the toast on the breakfast tray. 他把烤面包片放到早餐托盘里。
- Cattle and sheep feed chiefly on grass. 牛羊主要以草为食物。
- Young Peter has got his parents on toast; they can rebuke and reprimand him as much as they like, but he takes no notice of them. 小彼得使他爹妈很丢脸;他爹妈尽可以训他、斥责他,可他完全不理睬。
- Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread. 简简单单地吃,或者配沙拉、吐司,也可以搅碎配芥末和洋葱。
- Just like our oyster fried on toast and deep fried octopus, they truly exude the spirit of Japanese cuisine. 还有道地的日式章鱼排,想感受日本料理的口味和精神,绝对不能错过了!
- Young Peter has got his parents on toast; they can rebuke and reprimand him as much as they like,but he takes no notice of them. 小彼得使他爹妈很丢脸;他爹妈尽可以训他、斥责他,可他完全不理睬。
- The research result indicated that much experimental and clinical research were carried on around the effect of kidney on brain, were short of the research on the effect of brain on the five viscera of TCM. 研究显示目前所做的实验与临床研究多是围绕肾对脑的影响而展开,尚缺少脑对中医五脏的影响的研究。
- The guy who was buying his coffees with nickels and dimes in 2003 and having beans on toast for lunch is very thankful,"he says. 这家伙是谁买他的咖啡与分毫2003年因豆子就把酒午餐很感谢",他说。