- Through probing into quality in service enc ounter,the present research particularly discusses how to promoting tourist qual ity in service encounter to realize customer satisfaction for tourist enterprise s. 本文通过服务接触质量探讨,着重论述了旅游企业如何提高旅游服务接触质量以实现顾客满意
- Customer satisfaction is the combined result of service expectation, service encounter, and cognitive attribution, while;only the factors which can be controlled by library are worthy of measuring. 图书馆用户满意的形成是服务期望、服务接触和结果归因综合作用的结果,而只有其中能为图书馆所控制的因素才具有测评的意义。
- The remote storage service encountered a media error. 远程存储服务遇到一个媒体错误。
- The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while getting starting. The error reported was %1. 红外线文件传送服务在启动时遇到一个错误。报告的错误是%251。
- The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while receiving data. The error reported was %1. 红外线文件传送服务在接收数据时遇到一个错误。报告的错误是%251。
- The License Logging Service encountered an error while initiating replication to server %1. 当初始化复制到服务器%251时,许可证记录服务出现错误。
- The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while listening for the next connection. The error reported was %1. 红外线文件传送服务在侦听下一个连接时遇到一个错误。报告的错误是%251。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- The infrared file transfer service encountered an error while a user was logging on. Infrared file and picture transfers are disabled for this logon. The error reported was %1. 红外线文件传送服务在用户登录时遇到一个错误。红外线文件和图片传送在这次登录期间被停用。报告的错误是%251。
- SSTs allow (or force) consumers to help produce their own service encounters via machine interaction rather than by interacting with a firm's service personnel. 自助服务技术允许或迫使消费者无须与公司的服务人员接触,就可以通过机器完成服务接触。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- He paid only lip service to the dictator. 他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者。
- He was praised for his meritorious service. 他由于出色地工作而受到称赞。
- We attended evensong as well as morning service. 我们参加了晚祷和晨祷。
- He was rewarded in recognition of his service. 他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。
- Mr Perkins will take the evening service. 珀金斯先生将主持晚礼拜。
- The customer will go to law for the bad service. 这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。