- An organ of vision or of light sensitivity. 眼睛感受视觉或光觉的器官
- Sensitivity or responsiveness to light. 感光性对光的敏感和感应性
- His remarks convicted him of a lack of sensitivity. 他的言辞显示了他缺乏敏感性。
- An instrument used to measure tactile sensitivity. 触觉测量计用来测量触觉的一种装置
- It has low stock sensitivity and low brisance. 它具有低的冲击感度和低的爆炸威力。
- Sensitivity of perception, discrimination, or taste; refinement. 敏锐,敏感洞察力、辨别力或品味的敏感; 精密
- The PP198 is a passive 20:1 attenuator. PP198衰减器是一个无源的20:1衰减器。
- Strength and sensitivity do not often go together. 力量和敏感并非常常能兼而有之。
- Test your sensitivity, it is interesting grooves. 考验你的灵敏度,有趣+搞笑。
- Sensitivity to what is proper; propriety. 合宜对适宜的东西的敏感性;适当
- Symptom: No, or very low RX sensitivity. 没有或者说非常低的接收灵敏度。
- Hearing sensitivity declines with age. 听觉因年老而衰退。
- It embraces multi_waveband microwave source and exactitude attenuator, Controlled by PC, the instrument is used to test the sensitivity of radar receiver. 内含多波段微波信号源、精密衰减器。与虚拟万用表相配合,在计算机的控制下,可完成雷达接收机灵敏度的测试。
- Diesel generator governor sensitivity test. 柴油发电机调速特性试验。
- The kit' sensitivity was 10 2 copy/ ml. 试剂盒的检出下限为 1 0 2拷贝 /ml。
- He's a mixture of anger and sensitivity. 他气量小又太敏感。
- She played with great sensitivity. 她的表演很有悟性。
- Some children develop a sensitivity to cow's milk. 有的孩子对牛奶过敏。
- Failures in electronic yarn clearer sensitivity. 电子清纱器灵敏度失效。
- In the Sensitivity box, click the option you want. 在“敏感度”框中,单击所需的选项。