- The experiment research on the practice method of continuous balls in the ping-pang selective course teaching in the colleges and universities 多球练习法在高校乒乓球选项课教学中的实验研究
- selective course teaching 选项课教学
- This is a free selective course. 这是一门自选课。
- Humane care is the guide to carry out the humane quality education; the course teaching is important carrier of humane quality education. 认为人文关怀是实施人文素质教育的先导,课程教学是人文素质教育的重要载体。
- Considerations on reform of Wushu elective course teaching in common institutes of P.E. 对普通高校武术选项课教学改革的思考。
- The flower art can be not only as the specialized course for gardens and horticulture speciality but also as the common selective course. 花卉艺术学是园林与观赏园艺专业的专业课程,也可作为公共选修课开设。
- This is a directional selective course for cereal and functional food which is a direction of the speciality of food science and technology. 本课程是本科食品科学与工程专业谷物与功能食品方向的专业选修课。
- Of course teaching assistantship is quite important.But the bottom line for maintaining TA position is 3.0 ,level B. 所以什么状态不状态,新情况适应不适应,都是借口。
- It researcy and Explores the reform measures of the course teaching of "Biochemistry and Biochemistry Experiment". 研究和探索了生物化学及其实验教学改革的思路和措施。
- This is a 40-hour intermediate training course taught in Mandarin. 这个以华语教学的中级课程,历时40小时。
- Track and field generally suffers snub in universities sports selected course and this engenders leaving unused of field facility as well as wasting of teaching staff. 田径在高校体育选项课中普遍受到冷落,这造成了场地设施的闲置和师资的浪费。
- Practice of Fiber Physics and Chemistry (0-3-1) elective course Teaching students about the testing of the physical and chemical properties of fibers. 纤维理化实验(0-3-1)选修讲授纤维之各种重要之物理及化学性质之实际测定方法与技巧。
- If you have any examination results, please select course accordingly. If not, please leave it blank. You may need to take part in DIC Pre-admission English Test. 如果你已经有成绩,请选择合适的课程,如没有成绩,请不要填写,你需要参加多塞特国际学院的入学英语水平测试,学校会根据你的考试成绩为安排课程。
- This paper briefly summarizes and expatiates the connotation, construction gist, practice methods and characteristics of the course teaching modes. 本文简要总结和阐述了这种课程教学模式的内涵、构建依据、实践做法及模式的特点。
- Logic Course teaching must be reformed though logic is an important component part of the education of innovation and creation in the new situation. 逻辑学固然是创新、创造教育的重要内容,但逻辑学教学仍须改革,以适应新形势下的创新创造教育。
- The innovational part of the paper is the focus on students" interest in the process of optimizing senior high school"s IT course teaching. 本论文的创新之处在于优化高中信息技术课堂教学各个过程时对学生学习兴趣的充分关注。
- The course teaching management software scientize is able to improve teaching of extensive teaching handling crew control level. 科学化的课程教学管理软件还能够提高广大教学管理人员的教学管理水平。
- The characteristics on the selective courses of physical education of the students in Kashgar Normal College of Xinjiang are analized. 对新疆喀什师范学院大学生体育选项课特征进行分析。
- The course teaches students to avoid ambiguity and obscurity of expression. 这门课程教学生避免表达上的模棱两可、含混不清。
- Due to time constraints, we suggest you to select courses in the same area (Lowland / Headland). 由于时间所限,本院建议学校选择同一地区(山上/山下)之课程。