- secondary sewage sludge 二次下水污泥
- Undigested dewatered domestic sewage sludge from secondary treatment plant contained N 4.12%, of which organic form of N accounted for 93%. 未经消化的二级生活污水处理厂脱水污泥含氮4.;12%25;其中有机态氮占93%25。
- Effects of land utilization of sewage sludge on crops and soils. 污泥土地利用对农作物及土壤的影响研究。
- Land use and prospect of sewage sludge in forestland andgreen areas. 我国森林与园林绿地污泥的利用及其展望。
- Use of Sewage Sludge and Refuse Compost as Medium for Sapling Cultivation. 污泥和垃圾堆肥用作林木育苗基质的研究。
- Title: Land use and prospect of sewage sludge in forestland andgreen areas. 关键词:污泥,土地利用,森林,园林,堆肥化
- The results showed that the ambient temperature had some effect on sewage sludge compostingprocess. 结果表明:环境温度对污泥堆肥过程的堆体温度有影响。
- Artifical improvement of soil fertility in a regraded forest ecosystem by using municipal sewage sludge. 城市污泥对退化森林生态系统土壤的人工熟化研究。
- The Fluidized Bed Incinerator (FBI) in Macau is designed for combustion of sewage sludge in Macau. 在澳门流化床锻烧炉是用来燃烧污泥的。 由于污泥不充足,在澳门每天锻烧炉只工作6小时,在起动和停炉时刻,流化床的流化特性和通过收缩板的压力下降不是很理想的。
- The main subjects in sewage sludge ordinance of the European Community and Germany are compared. 然后比较了欧共体和德国污泥农用法规中的基本要点。
- The excellent decolor ability of sewage sludge made it possible to be applied extensively in dye wastewater treatment. 焙烧污泥的优良脱色性能使其在染料废水处理方面具有较好 的应用前景。
- Treated with fulivc acid,the growth of Nephrolepis cordifolia which applied sewage sludge as fertilizer was studied. 研究了黄腐酸浇灌对以污泥为肥料的盆栽肾蕨生长及吸收重金属的影响。
- Ratio of the raw material and the bulking agent is an important parameter for sewage sludge composting. 试验研究了不同配比的填充料和通气状况对污泥堆肥起始升温的影响。
- secondary sewage treatment works 二级污水处理厂;次级污水处理厂
- No significant differences in the amount of chlorophyll synthesized in relation to the applied sewage sludge dose were noted. 有关所使用的污泥剂量的叶绿素综合量,并未测出有显著差别。
- Technology of producing ceramisite with sediment of Pengyuepu River, dewatered sewage sludge and other additives is studied. 介绍了利用该底泥、生活污水处理厂脱水污泥和粘结剂制备陶粒的生产工艺。
- After composting, the sewage sludge could be sold as a commodity to make profits that could be improved by adding inorganic fertilizer. 因此,从保证植物水分供应的角度考虑,虽然可以大量地使用城市污泥堆肥,但是其用量并不是越多越好;
- Zhao Q. L , Kugel G . Thermophiliy mesophilic digestion of sewage sludge and organic waste [J ] . J . Environ .Sci .Hea2lth ,1997 ,31 : 2211 - 2231. 内容摘要:摘要:对剩余污泥的处理在污水处理中占用昂贵的费用,基于经济环境和其它因素的考虑,如何解决剩余污泥的问题
- A pilot scale facility of autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) was designed for stabilization of urban sewage sludge. 设计了一套自热式高温好氧消化(ATAD)中试系统用于城市污水污泥的稳定化处理。
- In this study: using hyperaccumulator- Thalspi caerulescens to remediate heavy metal contaminated soils and sewage sludge was studied. 利用遏蓝菜和黑麦草的盆栽实验,研究遏蓝菜对重金属污染土壤的治理效果,以及不同植物条件下土壤重金属对地下水的影响;