- Shanghai Yusheng Sealing Material Co., Ltd. 上海宇晟密封材料有限公司。
- The O-ring seal material shall be manufactured from EPDM. O形环密封材料应该由三元乙丙橡胶制造。
- The frit sealing material is a crucial material in ceramic metal halide lamps. 陶瓷金属卤化物灯用封接材料是陶瓷金卤灯的关键材料。
- Seal materials for furnace expansion joints. 窑炉砌体膨胀缝密封材料。
- Secondary seal material shall be FPM or EPDM and correspond to the seat material for maximum chemical resistance. 二级密封材料应该是FPM或三元乙丙橡胶和具有最好耐化学腐蚀性能的相应阀座材料。
- There is no additional sealing material needed, because the measuring cell and pressure port are welded together. 测量元件和压力端口被焊接在一起,所以不再需要额外的密封材料。
- The sealing material for air duct going though walls not good, it will cause shrinkage. 某些风管穿墙处,密封材料不好,会变形萎缩。
- Notice the sealing of the testing hole and the sealing material should be fire and rust proof. 注意检修洞口的密封,及密封材料要防火防腐蚀。
- A coat of sealing material applied to a surface before the outer coats, as of paint, are applied. 内涂层在上漆或其它涂层之前涂于表面的密封材料
- Sealing Material: O-shape or U-shape seal ring; butadiene acrylonitrile rubber, fluorine rubber. 密封材料:O形或U形密封圈;丁晴橡胶、氟橡胶。
- Flexible Graphite is the international rise of the 1970s a new sealing material. 柔性石墨是国际上七十年代兴起的一种新颖密封材料。
- As a self lubrication and self sealing material,fluoroplastics is widely used in auto parts. 含氟塑料作为自润滑和密封材料将被广泛用在汽车零部件上。
- Filled Teflon can be used as tabbing rings, piston rings, bearing material and sealing material. 填充四氟制品可做导向环、活塞环、轴承材料、密封材料等。
- The results show that the Aramid fiber pretreated by RFL latex reinforced sealing material is perfect. 结果表明:用RFL乳液处理过的芳纶纤维增强橡胶基复合密封材料的性能最佳。
- The penstock chooses end face integral seal and the seal material is special rubber, which makes the seal safety and durable. 闸门采用端面整体密封,密封材料采用特殊橡胶材料,保证密封牢靠、耐用。
- The gasholder was pressurized by the connection of a side plate with a piston through a kind of flexible rubber sealing material. 该气柜主要借助于一种柔性的橡胶密封材料将气柜侧板和活塞密封连接。
- It adopted Italy light oil burner, which heats conduction oil in interlayer at the bottom of热熔箱and make sealing material melted quickly and equally. "采用意大利生产的轻油燃烧器,在热熔箱底部对夹层中的导热油进行加热,使密封材料快速均匀熔化。
- The sealing material of the s tellite material quality,high temperature resistant,abrasion resistance,ballistic-and corrosion resistant,long life span. 钨铬钴合金材质的密封材料耐高温、耐磨损、耐冲蚀.;寿命长。
- The silicone rubber has been used as the sealing material of fuel cell,but the material has high permeability to hydrogen and oxygen. 有机硅橡胶一直以来都用来做燃料电池的密封材料,但有机硅透气性高,不适合氢气、氧气等高透过性气体的密封。