- The general layout of the test bench, schematic block diagram of the control system and configuration and features of the software are discussed in light of accuracy and reliability. 从精确、靠的角度出发,论述了测试台总体方案结构、制系统的原理框图、件系统的构成及其特点。
- A DAU hardware block diagram is shown in Fig.3. 数据采集器DAU硬件的方框图如图3所示。
- This simplified block diagram is valuable. 这个简化了的框图很有用。
- DAU hardware block diagram is shown in Fig.3. 数据采集器DAU硬件的方框图如图3所示。
- The block diagram of a battery charger is shown in Fig. 1. 图一所显示的是电池充电器的方块图。
- In some ways, the block diagram resembles a flowchart. 在某些方面,块状的图表类似于一个流程图。
- Figure 1-26 is a block diagram of a typical digital electrometer. 图1-26为典型数字式静电计的方框图。其模拟部分与前面讨论的电路类似。
- A newly invented welding current waveform,the schematic block circuits and theirsuccessful application in the AC pulsed MIG welding are introduced in this paper. 本文介绍了作者发明的一种所谓双凹型的电流波形,其控制电路原理,及其在交流脉冲MIG焊接中的应用。
- On the File menu, point to New, point to General, and then click Block Diagram. 在“文件”菜单上,依次指向“新建”、“常规”,然后单击“框图”。
- The receiver's block diagram, flowchart and performance simulation results are given in the paper. 给出了接收机结构框图、工作原理和性能仿真结果。
- Recently, you created a block diagram that makes the process easier to understand. 最近,您创建了一个能使该过程更易于理解的框图。
- The Basic Diagram, Block Diagram, and Block Diagram with Perspective templates are in the General category. 基本框图、框图和具有透视效果的框图模板位于“常规”类别中。
- The block diagram may be broken at convenient places to show important changes or complexities in the structure. 立体图可以在适当的地方剖开,以表示构造上重要的变化和复杂性。
- Please give the system design scheme of your design or both hardware design block diagram and software flow chart. 请给出你的设计框图,或同时给出硬件设计框图和软件流程图。
- Useful for a quick, high-level view of the parts of your project, a WBS is often shown as a block diagram. WBS通常显示为块关系图,这样就有助于从高层次迅速总览项目的各个部分。
- Figure 4 is a functional block diagram of a 2-axis MEMS integrated accelerometer. 图4所示为两轴MEMS整合的加速度计的原理框图。
- Figure 1 shows a generalized block diagram of a transducer-based data acquisition system. 图1显示一个传感器基于数据采集系统的一个广义结构图。
- In the picture above you can see a typical block diagram of such an IR receiver. 上面图片中你可以看到一个典型的方框图这样一个红外接收器。
- If a subVI is called from two locations in a block diagram, the subVI breakpoint suspends execution at each call. 如果子VI在一个程序框图中的两个位置被调用时,则每次调用断点被执行时挂起。
- This paper puts forward a principle block diagram of the jammer and designs jamming mode and signal in detail as well. 文中给出了干扰机的原理框图,详细设计了干扰样式和干扰信号,并且分析了该干扰方法的功率和时频特性。