- Determine a sample event and a sample interval. 确定样本事件和样本间隔。
- A sample event is used to collect performance data at the specified interval. 样本事件用于按指定间隔收集性能数据。
- To detect problems with page faults, use page fault as the sample event. 要检测导致页面错误的问题,请使用页面错误作为样本事件。
- In the Sample Event shown below, NewPubMDB is the name of the newly created Public Folder Store. 在下面显示的“样本事件”中,NewPubMDB是新建的公用文件夹存储的名称。
- Before profiling the application, determine the correct sample event to use for collecting the data. 分析应用程序之前,先确定用于收集数据的正确样本事件。
- These settings allow you to choose the sample event and sampling interval. 通过这些设置,您可以选择样本事件和取样间隔。
- For example, CPU cycle sample event only shows the locations in the application that consume CPU cycles. 例如,CPU周期样本事件仅显示使用CPU周期的应用程序中的位置。
- Learn to specify sampling event from within the IDE. 了解如何在IDE中指定取样事件。
- After choosing sample event, determine appropriate sample interval for your application. 选择样本事件以后,为应用程序确定适当的样本间隔。
- These settings allow you to choose the sample event and sampling interval, including collecting sampling data for available performance counters. 这些设置允许您选择取样事件和取样间隔,包括收集可用性能计数器的取样数据。
- For example, in the Sample Event shown below, error 0x80010108 translates to RPC_E_DISCONNECTED, which means the remote procedure call (RPC) connection was lost, possibly due to a network interruption. 例如,在下列所示的“简单事件”中,错误0x80010108是指RPC_E_DISCONNECTED,这意味着远程过程调用(RPC)连接可能由于网络中断而丢失。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- For example, if the sample event is clock cycles and the sampling interval is set to 10,000,000 then performance data is collected after every 10 million clock cycles. 例如,如果样本事件为时钟周期数,取样间隔设置为10,000,000,则每隔一千万个时钟周期收集一次性能数据。
- Important You must choose appropriate sampling event to be used during sampling. 必须选择要在取样过程中使用的适当取样事件。
- What I need is nothing but a sample. 我需要的不过是一件样品而已。
- He was the most timorous person in that event. 在那次事件中他是个胆小鬼。
- The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests. 护士抽了我的血样去化验。
- Certain sign precede certain event. 事情发生,必有先兆。
- It is easy to prophesy after the event. 事后诸葛亮,预言顶便当。
- This event will be covered live by TV. 此事将由电视作现场报道。