- She could taste the saltiness of her tears. 她尝到了她眼泪的咸味。
- The saltiness of their language was inappropriate. 他们语言的尖锐泼辣是不恰当的。
- We should reduce the saltiness of our food. 我们要降低食物的咸度。
- A vertical gradient in ocean salinity. (海洋的)盐度跃层海水盐度竖直梯度变化明显的水层
- Salinity of 32 parts per thousand. 盐度32零件‰ 。
- Progress of salinity tolerance of Festuca arundinacea Schreb. 高羊茅抗盐性研究进展。
- In the sea water sampled the salinity is two parts per thousand. 在取样的海水中,盐度为千分之二。
- Here the ocean is being diluted so that the salinity is decreased. 与蒸发相反的是降水,如降雨,由此水被加入海中,海水被稀释,从而盐度降低。
- RANBIR C.Soil Salinity and Water Quality[M],USA:A.A. 李学垣.;土壤化学[M]
- The human tongue also detects saltiness, sourness, bitterness, and savoriness. 人类的舌头同样可以体现酸甜苦辣。
- Oceanic salinity generally has a range from 34 to 37 parts per thousand. 海洋中海水的盐度通常为34‰-37‰。
- Vicarious Calibration of an Ocean Salinity Radiometer from Low Earth Orbit. 地球低轨道海洋盐分辐射表的替代校准。
- These cycles are due to changes in rainfall, ocean currents, and salinity. 这些循环期因降雨量、洋流和盐度的变化而异。
- Influence of water salinity on embryonic development of sea-slug Onchidium sp. 盐度对石磺胚胎发育的影响。
- Measure pH of the seawater by a pH meter. Measure salinity by a refractometer. 用酸碱度计量度水样本的酸碱值。用氯化钠折光仪量度样本的氯化钠含量。
- Long time excess ive irrigation has caused secondary salinity problem. 但是这里没有灌溉就没有农业。
- The differences in density may be due to temperature or to salinity. 这种密度的差异源于温度和盐度的差别。
- On the Parameters of Archie Formula for Shaly Sand with Low Salinity. 低矿化度条件下的泥质砂岩阿尔奇参数研究
- Lk.14:34 Therefore salt is good; but if even the salt becomes tasteless, with what will its saltiness be restored? 路十四34盐本是好的,但若是连盐也失了味,可用什么叫它再咸?
- Temperature and salinity are two important factors for the fish fry breeding. 摘要温度及盐度是鱼类苗种生产当中2个重要的因子。