- rural land survey 农村土地调查
- Article 27 The State fosters land survey system. 第二十七条 国家建立土地调查制度。
- Experts agreed that Huiyang City pilot survey of rural land ownership experience in similar areas to promote value. 专家们一致认为,惠阳市农村土地产权调查试点的经验,在同类地区有推广价值。
- Innovation System of Operational Institution of Rural Land. 试论农村土地经营制度的创新体系。
- Rural land market is a very important part of land market. 农村土地市场是土地市场不可缺少和不可分割的部分 ,加快农村土地市场的培育已成为一项十分紧迫的任务。
- The long-distance laser rangefinder is specially designed for land survey. 长距离激光测距仪是特别设计用来地面测量.;它适用于远距离测量,精度高,功能广泛,便于携带,而且容易操作。它还可用于不同的环境测量,河道、航道,标竿,电信,电缆,地质测量,气象、机场、森林等。
- In name at least, rural land is collectively owned by village residents. 至少在表面上,农村的土地为农村的居民所共有。
- The forth chapter studies the internalization of rural land external benefit. 第四章研究农地外部效益的内在化。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale, lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- A north-south strip of townships, each six miles square, numbered east and west from a specified meridian in a U.S. public land survey. 六英里城镇分区美国公地测量中以某条特定子午线为起点,从东向西标号,占地六平方公里的一系列南北条状城镇
- A public land surveying unit of36 sections or36 square miles. 一种公共土地的测量单位,为36平方英里
- The current mechanism of rural land interests distribution has a few obvious drawbacks. 我国目前农村土地利益分配机制存在着明显缺憾。
- Investigation and Policy Suggestion to Present Situation of Rural Land Use System in Henan Prov. 河南省农村土地使用制度现状调查及政策建议。
- The office provides land survey services for land administration purposes such as land sale,lease modifications and land resumption. 该处为卖地、契约修订及收地等土地管理事宜,提供土地测量服务。
- Reform of land property system should start from capitalization of rural land, which is the right basis of land commercialization. 土地所有权制度改革应该从农村土地的货币化开始,而这恰好是土地市场化的基础。
- Of these, I believe that the issue of rural land ownership is among other issues. 其中,笔者认为农村土地的所有权问题是研究其他问题的基础。
- There are some shortcomings in the system of rural land use although it has facilitated our economic development. 摘要我国现行的城镇国有土地使用制度在促进经济发展的同时,也不免存在一些弊端。
- The social groups and entities and individuals related to the land survey shall assist in the land survey work according to the provisions of this Regulation. 社会团体以及与土地调查有关的单位和个人应当依照本条例的规定,配合土地调查工作。
- He mastered the thought of farmers, rural land reform initiated a strategy of encircling the cities. 他掌握了农民的心思,用土地改革发起了农村包围城市的战略。
- At the moment, rural land is “collectively” owned but may be leased to peasants on 30-year contracts. 目前,中国的农村土地都由“集体”所有,而可以30年的租约形式租给农民。