- The rumours and slanders untuned his mind. 流言蜚语使他心烦意乱。
- They want to run those rumours and slanders back to their sources. 他们想要追查那些流言蜚语的根源。
- There are rumours and slanders canarding about her romantic deeds. 关于她的风流韵事有许多流言蜚语正在流传着。
- Control to disseminating rumours and slandering scarcly. 8.新闻博客散播谣言和诽谤的纠谬监管的缺位。
- Nothing spreads facts, made-up stories or rumours and slanders much faster than Internet. 没有什么东西比互联网更能快速地传播事实、虚构故事或流言蜚语了。
- Some people who pay lip-service to unity distort certain differences of opinion within a Party committee and leak them to the public; they spread rumours and slanders and try to win over groups of people in order to build support for themselves. 有的人口头上讲团结,而把党委内部一些不同的意见捅出去,加以歪曲,散布流言蜚语,拉一部分人支持自己。
- The Korean government is drafting a law against malicious rumours and slandering via the internet, as the online harassment is seen as one of the major causes of entertainers’ suicide. 当网络攻击俨然成为艺人自杀的主要原因之一,韩国政府正在起草法律对抗网络传播恶意谣言和诽谤。
- The rumors and slanders is negligible to me. 流言蜚语对于我来说是可以忽略的。
- In their absence, rumour and speculation flourish. 这使猜测和谣言四起。
- Why Do Conflict and Slander Exist among Religions? 宗教之间为何互相毁谤?
- His statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing. 他的声明使所有谣传与猜测烟消云散。
- Lippi said: "These are just rumours and I hear many of those. 里皮说:“这些都是谣言,我听的不能再多了。
- Not afraid of the lies and slanders Lane annihilation. 不怕在流言蜚语里湮灭。
- Not afraid of the lies and slanders Lane annihilation. . . . 不怕在流言蜚语里湮灭。。。。
- The President's statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing. 总统的声明澄清了种种谣传和猜测。
- He can face with rumors and slanders with a cool head. 他能冷静地对待来自外面的流言蜚语。
- rumours and slanders 流言飞语
- You speak ill of your brother, and slander your own mother's son. 不停地毁谤你的兄弟,常污辱你母亲的儿子。
- Believe the rumours and in theory you can choose between three teams for 2007. 根据传闻和推测,在2007赛季你可以在三支队伍之间作选择。
- You speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother's son. 你坐着毁谤你的兄弟,谗毁你亲母的儿子。