- The man attached a strong rope to his sled. 那人将一条结实的绳子系在他的雪撬上。
- Too heavy a load will strain the rope to its breaking point. 负载过重会把绳子拉紧到崩断的地步。
- The kids tied a (piece of) rope to the tree and used it as a swing. 孩子们把(一根)绳子系在树上当作秋千玩。
- The sailors heaved at rope to tighten the sail. 水手们用力拉绳把帆绷紧。
- They strained on the rope to pull the boat in. 他们拉紧绳子以便使船靠岸。
- The sailors heaved at the rope to tighten the sail. 水手们用力拉绳子把帆收紧。
- The sailor pull at the rope to take up the slack. 水手们拉起绳索把它收紧。
- He made fast the rope to the metal ring. 他把绳子紧紧地绑在那金属圈上。
- Let's give him enough rope to hang this time. 这次让他自食其果算了。
- Attach this rope to the front of the car. 把这绳子系在小轿车的前面。
- I pulled on the rope to see if it was secure. 我抻了抻绳子看看是否牢固。
- Constant friction caused the rope to break. 不断的摩擦使绳子断了。
- He held on to the rope to stop himself slipping. 他紧紧抓住绳子以免自己下滑。
- Please pass a stout towing rope to the tug boat. 请递一根结实的缆绳给拖轮。
- We need some rope to tie up the boat with. 我们需要用绳子把船系住。
- He measured the rope to see if it was long enough. 他量了那根绳子看是否够长。
- I need a rope to tie this package up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹捆起来.
- The sailors pulled at the rope to take up the slack. 水手们拉起绳索把它收紧。
- The heavy box strained the rope to a breaking point. 那只沉重的箱子几乎把绳子拉断。
- I need one rope to tie these sticks together. 我需要一条绳子捆绑这些小树枝。